The Month of Pagumen
Midst all the months within an annual year, the thirteenth month Pagumen is unique in its nature as it has only few days but not thirty days alike the others. It has only six days in the Year of John and five days in the Year of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Accord our Ethiopian Orthodox Incarnation Church, this month is an extra month of a year and it considered as the last month in our country. However, the western countries considered it as additional days and divided it in the months of January, March, May, July, August, October and December in which each has 31 days.
The Amharic word of Pagumen comes from the term Greek word ‘Apagumene’ to mean “additional.” It is the time which we leave behind last year and enrich to the new year passing the season of summer and reach spring; so it is the resemblances of Judgment day.