The House of Mercy

In Jerusalem where the Lord was born, near the temple, there was a baptism sacred place for all the aliments to be cured known as in Hebrew “Bethsaida” to mean the “The House of Mercy.” This holy place had five porticoes and steps for the aliment to enter the pool and be baptized. On the first Sabbath Day, the Angel of God came down from the heavens and stirred up the water, and the first to enter was cured. Many were healed witnessing this miracle of God and work of salvation in faith and hope of His mercy.

At one of the porticoes in Bethsaida, there was an impotent man, embedded for 38 years. On that era, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ visited that house of mercy and saw the impotent man lying in bed. He knew he was paralytic for many years but still asked saying, “Will you be made whole?” The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another step down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the Sabbath.” (John 5:7-9)

“What comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches” (2 Corinthians 11:28)

Beloveds, the sons and daughters of God, Saint Mary’s families, praise to God for His kindness to teach us His Holy words. Amen!

“What comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches.” (2 Corinthians 11:28) This is the message of the great Apostle Saint Paul.

Laity’s Role in Church

Feasts known by the order of Holy Orthodox Incarnation Church have their own liturgy and laities have role in them. In this section, we will see what is expected from laities during the celebration of the feasts.

Laity’s Role in Church

Fasting, Prostration and alms giving are ways of spirituality and obedience through the governance of our corporeal to our soul. Prostration is made not only by humans but the celestial (heavenly) being, The Angels. (Isaiah 6:3) It is the main aim of the two creations Angles and humans. We shall also help the weak, aid the victims of tribal wars and in trails within the Church. As it is necessary to make alms giving, it is necessary to realize the good virtue of our good endeavors in particular to fasting seasons,

Laity’s Role in Church

Whether a person is blessed or not it is based on the wills of the soul or flesh. To get blessings for our soul and flesh, we must fast according to the Liturgy of the Church, humbly, in repentance and in a broken heart.

The Liturgy of Prayer

Dear Children of God, how are you? How is life and school? How are you doing in your education? Are you studying well and getting good grades? How about house chores? Are you helping your families by obeying their house rule? Hope you have become an obedient child to your families and God more than anything.

Children, we hope you remember our last lesson about prayer because today we have presented to you the second part. We will see the seven times of prayer which are Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers/Compline/, Bed time and Midnight.

Laity’s Role in Church

All who are living in sinful world, notice how repentance is seeking forgiveness in regret of disappointing the Lord. It is an alarm of returning to God and so repentance then is returning to God. He says, “Return to me, and I will return to you” (Malachi 3:7).

The Liturgy of Prayer

Dear Children of God, how have you been? How are your families, friends and School? Are you doing well in your education this year? We hope you have got all the good grades and be rewarded. Children, we have been telling you all along about the importance of education in particular to the Church teachings that guides your spiritual life. Therefore, it is better for you to learn beginning your childhood until you become mature and even at old ages. Since our spiritual life is eternal, we shall always be ready to hear, read and understand the word of God.

Dear Children of God, you remember our last lesson right? It was about the “Liturgy of Fasting.” Now, we will teach you about “The Liturgy of Prayer.”

Laity’s Role in Church

Christians foremost ways of meeting God is prayer. As Prophet David said, “seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws,” (Psalm 119:164) we have seven canonical hours to praise, plead and worship our Lord; let us see them one by one.

The Liturgy of Fasting

Dear Children of God, how are you? How is the new year and school? We hope you are attending your lessons attentively in this new year and studying well. It is also important to ask you teachers what you do not understand and something that is not clear for you. If not, you would not be able to pass your exams or else get good mark. You shall attend the church education as well, so that you could be a good, brave and generous child of God.

Dear Children of God, this season is known as “The Month of flowers.” We commemorate our Holy Mother Saint Mary, her beloved Son, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and their flight to Egypt and Ethiopia in escape of King Herold who was trying to kill baby Jesus, out of fear of Him reigning as a King.

Children, we hope you remember our last lesson on the celebration of Feasts! And for now we will teach you about “The Liturgy of Fasting.”