Holy Scriptures

More than every holy books in the history of creation of holy scriptures, Holy Church gives first priority to Holy Bible. The word of God scripted by the grace of Holy Spirit in the hands of chosen Saints, is in this holy book. It is both the father and mother of any other books that the Orthodox Incarnation Church gives recognition by the Law and Order of the Lord.

“The righteous shall surround me” (Psalm 142:7)

Creatures of God who are amazingly created by the magnificence of Glory of the Almighty, are which reveal His marvelous work.  Men are seen to be most magnified and honored amongst the earthly creatures. Not ordinary but extraordinarily though, our Father Abune Takla Haymanot is one whose work of God’s Glory is presented through his heavenly deed.

Holy Trinity Visit Father Abraham

All Christians shall commemorate the holiday that Holy Trinity visit Father Abraham with mercy and a child.

The Compassionate and Merciful Angel

The merciful, humble, compassionate and obedient, who praise the Lord for eternity, Archangel Saint Michael is the intercessor and mediator for humans by the Lord’s mercy upon us. (Enoch 6:5, 12:5,10:12)

He ascended to the heavens in Glory and Praise!

“By taking a body like ours and sitting it next to the God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ has truly reconciled humanity to God. Now this is crucial for us to understand. All that the Lord has done; He has done so that we may be able to also do! He has risen and conquered death so that we may do the same. But this was not all! He could not end there at resurrection alone! He has also ascended into the heavens so that you and I may also be able to do the same, that we may also have a place there with the Father. And this is what he said he would do when telling His disciples in John chapter 14 that He “goes and prepares a place for us”.

Restoration of the Priesthood

Underneath God and His Law, the first order to revere in the ministry of the Church is the High Order and the Priesthood. “The Sacrament of Priesthood is a holy sacrament through which the Bishop lays his hands on the head of the elected candidate, so that the Holy Spirit will descend on him and grant him one of the priestly ranks.”

Marian Apparitions

Glory to God for reaching us to the feast of Holy Mother Saint Mary’s Divine Intervention!

We celebrate her apparition in numerous places, and especially her wonderful apparition in churches in Zeitoun, and in Papadopoulo, where many people, even those Muslims, polytheists and neo-pagans witnessed her appearance.

Prophet Samson

Then Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” And he pushed with all his might, and the temple fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. So the dead that he killed at his death were more than he had killed in his life. And his brothers and all his father’s household came down and took him, and brought him up and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb of his father Manoah. He had judged Israel twenty years.

Cana of Galilee

Cana is northern part of Israel in Galilee. Holy Bible in scripted about this place because of the miracle our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ performed during Apostasy Age, at a weeding held in Cana, in the presence of His Mother Saint Virgin Mary and the disciples.

Feast of Holy Trinity

The day Holy Trinity confound the language of all the earth and scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth making them leave off to build the city, Tir 7, is commemorated by our Holy Church. The city was called Babel in accordance.