Entries by Hiwot M

“We went through fire and through water” (Psalm 66:12)

The Almighty Who is omnipotence either saves or kills. Those saints and martyrs who have faith in God, triumphed on all their predicaments, miseries and agonies. Fire is the ornament for all the holies in their scarification. Man has been tortured by demons through history of humans. The story of the mother and son martyr Saint Cyriacus (Qyriacus) and Saint Julietta who Archangel Saint Gabriel saved on Hamele 19, is commemorable. These saints were tormented by the one of the pagan King Alexander…

The Immense Wealth

The inimitable is its nature, having neither white nor black, or grey but different color. Many are inept to express about it thus remain silent. Those marveled by its beauty are astonished. But could not describe it.

The Seven Sacraments

Dear Children of God! how are you? How are you spending the winter season? As you know, this is the occasion that is cold, wet and snowy. Therefore, it is better to use your break time for reading of Holy Scriptures, studying your school lessons at home and local churches, whilst helping your family on house chorus. Ok? good!

Children, may we remind you that we have been learning about “The Mysteries of Church” for the last consecutives weeks. Hope you understood our lessons and put them into practice because in Christian life, the main purpose is the act of good deed by keeping the law of God and church’s order. Well! And now we will proceed to our lesson of “The Seven Sacraments.”

Our Sense Organs in Christianity

Humans express feelings through the sense organs when in various situations. Happiness, anger, fear, pain, love and alike are our feelings. We express these feelings by the eyes, hands, legs, mouth, face and physical emotion.

The Strengthened Heart

Years ago, his envious heart use to drive the conscious mind out of control, unable to gather the thoughts and make just decision. He saw the straight path twisted, the highest hill as low, the bulged and uneven alike comfortable, incapable to make a right decision. Love changed all this. It lighted his haughty eyes, dissipates his over pride and gloom giving him eternal peace.

The Life of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul

The marvelous witness, miraculous work and deed, is the signification of the disciples afore they departure later an astonishing fight and struggle for the Love of the Lord. The apostles were the closest one to talk, walk, share food and whose feet are even washed by His Holy Hands.

We celebrate the feast of our fathers the pure Apostles on the day of the commemoration of the Martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul which is 5th day of the Hamele, Ethiopian calendar. Then, it is so vital to commemorate their hagiography.

Mystery of The Resurrection of the Dead

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is this season of fasting of the apostles? Hope you have hold on strong through it, praying, fasting and obeying God’s command. This fast known as “The Fast of the Apostles” is amongst the seven chronical fast. After receiving the grace of the Holy Spirt, Saint Apostles began their service in prayer and fasting. Making their fast exemplary, after the “Feast of Pentecost”, we fast until Hamele four. Then the feasts fall on Hamele Five, which is also the Feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s departure day.

Good children! Do you remember our last lesson? We hope so! May we remind you it was about “Mystery of of Eucharist.” And for today, we will teach you about “Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead.”

The Rose Among Thorns

It is as if a beauty is measured by her, for I was marveled. She is the ornament of the earth that many are amazed by. They are astonished up to the limit of remaining without words to express her gorgeousness. 

One True Church!

Onwards the first Church of our Holy Mother
built with three stones without wood, mud and water
in Caledonia of Caesarea by Lord and Savior
then the apostles commanded prayer

and on the Sabbath of His appearance
at Philippians, gathered all the disciple
Saint Mary as the Ark of the Covenant
Saint Peter, the Priest
Archdeacon Stephen, the Saint

which they received the Eucharist
the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ!