Holy The Second week of the Great Lent

February 24, 2023

Accord Saint Yared’s “Book of Tsome Deguwa”, the second week of “The Great Lent” is known as  “Kideset” Amharic word to mean “Holy.” Holy is “purity, integrity.” This being the reason that in our Holy Church, all the songs sung and the readings during the “Divine Liturgy” are all regarding holiness.  The second Sunday of the fast is termed as “Holy” because it is a dedication of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s coming to earth for the salvation and blessing of mankind, to be exemplary for holiness during His coming at the apostasy era through His work and His fast which is the Great of all the fasts.

On this Sunday, Holy Church teaches about the holiness of God seeking holiness from His children, through the path of holiness that helps inherit Kingdom of Heaven. As He said, “Be holy, for I am holy,” it is in His will in creation for us to be holy and live a holy life. (1 peter 1:16)The Sunday is called “Holy” to signify that Sunday is holiday. The yaredic hymn that is sung beginning from the eve is about the holiness of God and Sunday, a day that He Himself has sanctified and gave us.  The songs are from Saint Yared’s “Book of Deguwa.”  Sunday is the rest day of God as He finished His work of creation of the world and so shall be commemorated by all His children known to be Christians through Christ.

Thus, we humans shall strive for holiness and be holy living under God’s embrace. To live a holy life and be holy is to live with God. It is when we accept Him as our Lord and obey His commandment by our own will throughout our lives that He wills to live with us. We shall not defy His rule and sin for discontent and disgrace be upon us.  We must not only abide His law but also do good endeavors. By Lord Jesus Christs teachings, the preaching’s of the holy apostle, the commentaries of the patristic fathers, the spiritual fruit of the Holy people revealed through their lives, fast, bowing, alms giving and as such. These deeds are what strength our spirituality. On holy church’s teachings the major four spiritual virtues are fast, pray, bowing and alms giving.

Dear brethren, we shall have the heart to pray and be diligent by much bowing and alms giving through this fast for we could repent, abide the law and be holy in holy life.

May God our Lord lead us way in the way of holiness, Amen!