The Patriarch addresses laity on occasion of Fast of St. Mary

August 6, 2016
By Kassa Nigus


His Holiness Abune Mathias I, Patriarch  of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum and Ichege of the See of Saint Taklehaimanot addressed Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church followers found throughout the world regarding the Fast of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tsome Filseta) in a gathering that included  Mahibere Kidusan, public and private media journalists on July 4, 2016.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God, amen!
Congratulations on the occasion of the 2016 fast of St Mary, the Patriarch said to Children of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church who reside both in and out of the country throughout the world.  As God’s Prophet, David said in his song, “The fear of the Lord is clean”,(Ps. 19:9), the Word of God is, indeed, perfect, pure, holy, precious and unique; and stands distinct from the utterances of humans since the words of that latter are infested with lies, indecision, ignorance, doubt, treachery, and limitations of capacity. But the Word of God is significantly different from all these imperfections and is perfectly clean, true. Not only that, it is also irreversible. It is reflected in human lives and in the world according to His promise.  

The verse, “It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail…” (Luke 16:17) reminds us that the Word of our Lord God and Jesus Christ the Savior is above everything and has grace, power and endurance. Accordingly, whosoever teaches by dropping from, adding to and  distorting the pure Word of God for considerations of self-interest will be separated from the kingdom of God as He said,  “whosoever scraps parts of the commandments of God, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven”  (Matt.5:19)
Therefore, we have to be well aware that the Word of God gives eternal life to those who keeps it, and on the other hand, it has the authority to punish those who distort and abuse it. So, we have to recognize that the salvation of mankind is found suspended in balance between protecting and breaking the Word of God as written, “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”(Heb 4:12) 
Our beloved children (both male and female) in the Holy Spirit:
There is something the Word of God tells us about the Blessed Virgin Mary written in the Holy Scripture. The worship/devotion we show for the next two weeks regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary fast season shall be performed based on memorization of texts about Holy Virgin Mary in the Word of God. Among the words told about St Mary in the Scripture are:
  • “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” (Luke 1:42)
  • “For thou hast found favour with God.(Luke 1:30)
  • “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee”: (Luk1:35)
  • “And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)
  • “Behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” (Luke 1:48)
  •  “Woman, behold thy son!” John 19:26
  • “Behold thy mother” ( John 19:27)
So the Word of God tells the faithful to believe that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God and acknowledges all generations shall call her ‘blessed’ for the grace of the Virgin Mary is connected with the Grace of God. Without believing that St Mary is the mother of God, we will not get salvation; without believing our Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man there is no eternal life.
As the relationship between Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother is the relation between a child and a mother, God ordered that the relationship between the faithful and Virgin Mary also to be like that of the relationship between mother and child.  (John 19: 26-27)
The apostle John took our Blessed Virgin Mary to his home to live with him after Jesus gave her to him, “Behold thy mother”. Since then, our Blessed Virgin Mary has been living within the house of believers. According to the Word of the Lord and the apostolic tradition, the house of the faithful of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church is the house of Saint Mary. Because there are no believers who couldn’t bring the sacred icon of St Mary into their house and pray before the sacred icon in hope of the intercession of St Mary, on their behalf. As a result, the faithful accomplish their worship without distorting, and ignoring parts of the Word of God.
Our beloved children in the Holy Spirit:
God gave us the greatest gift of all: the Virgin Mary through perfect love, the love between mother and child. That love is still binding us with St Mary. Those who are trying to separate us from this love, we need to resist them by exhibiting the spirit of Ethiopianism and Orthodoxy. Who he praises the Blessed Virgin Mary; surely he shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and keeps the Word of God as Elizabeth.
As an illustration of the deep love between us and the Virgin Mary, it is appropriate to give a piece of bread to those less fortunate than ourselves in her name and should continue this tradition down the generation without interruptions.
During this fast of St Mary, we shall perform good deeds such as extending our hands to feed the hungry, visiting the sick, visiting those in prison, and also by living in tolerance, trust, brotherhood, harmony, love and  peace. 

The Patriarch: Spreading the Word of God is vital task

July 5, 2016
By Kassa Nigus

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Holy Trinity Theological College graduates disciples in different departments and programs. The ceremony was attended by His Holiness Patriarch Abune Mathias as well as bishops, heads of departments of the patriarchate and Addis Ababa diocese, parish and monastery administrators, members of the management of the college and families of the graduates. The ceremony took place at the hall of the Church on July 3, 2016.

Academic deputy dean of the college, deacon memhir Girma Batu, said that Holy Trinity College ever since its establishment in 1942/43 has been producing preachers. For the time ahead it has been preparing to start training in third degree and Ph.D. At the moment the college is training 1800 disciples and in this year it has made available 320 prospective disciples in various programs, including in Ge’ez language.
Following the prayer at the opening of the graduation ceremony Holy Trinity Sunday school singers sang St. Yared hymns while the graduates had presentations of kine (Ge’ez poem)  putting various messages across. That was followed by handing out of prizes and certificates to graduates of distinction as well as to women graduates in various programs with ranks from 1st to 5th. His Holiness the Patriarch Abune Mathias, and head of the College, His Holiness AbuneTimotewos, handed out the certificates and the prizes. 
The Patriarch, in giving his blessing, quoting, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Math. 9: 37 – 38)
Tlthough we have not counseled and taught children of the Church to bring in tithe and their first – born, the laity have never held back from the Church to give what they can. Because of that there is no problem of money in our Church particularly in the big cities. However, since the way we manage our finances is not well organized and there is a lot of corruption, the financial resources have not been put to use appropriately. Hence, you need to teach the people in order to eradicate corruption, good governance to prevail, honesty to reign, preserve the sanctity of the Church, the Patriarch underlined the message to graduates.
The Patriarch eulogized the graduates saying, all our children graduating in the three campuses are the light of our Church! His Holiness stressed that spreading the Word of God is a vital consideration in the Church and went on to say, you should serve as the light of the world and overcome the darkness in it, bring back those lost to other religions by showing them the right path, grow in your beliefs so that others follow in your footsteps, bring back the laity looted by others and put a stop to their attempt of taking the laity away, and also support the young in taking care of their lives and health, in staying away from addiction, drugs and alcohol, and other social ills. The Church entrusts this task to you and to live up to your Christian duties. 
The graduates on their part promised to do everything in their capacity to protect the work of savior of the world Jesus Christ, the teachings of the 12 disciples as well as the three canonical decision of the Church, teach that holy angels and fathers intercede on behalf of the world, that they live by and enforce the canons, beliefs, traditions and dogmas of the Church, and serve the Church loyalty wherever they may be.
Finally, the ceremony was concluded with the blessings of the Patriarch.
In a related development, Kesate Berhan Freminatos spiritual college of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church graduated disciples in different departments and programs on June 26, 2016.

Ethiopia & the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are two sides of a coin : the Patriarch

Ethiopian Orthodox Church launches 24-hour TV channel

June 28, 2016

By Kassa Nigus & Mesfin Zegeye

pat-blessing-of-eotc-tvv.jpgEthiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church officially launched a 24-hour trial broadcast television broadcast. His Holiness Abune Mathias the patriarch blessed the inauguration of the television broadcast launch in which His Holiness made a statement. Archbishops, members of the Holy Synod, representatives of directorates of the patriarchate and board members of mass communications department attended the ceremony. The event took place on June 23, 2016. Excerpts of the Patriarch statement are summarized below.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God, amen!
Congratulations!!! It is not far-fetched to make this tasteless world sweet through the salt of the Gospel.  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” ( John 5:24 )

To all Ethiopian Orthodox Orthodox Church believers in the country and living throughout the world; praise, glory, and rituals be unto God, who is behind everything good. He has chosen us to hear His Word to the fullest through this media outlet.  

Congratulations! For you are chosen to hear the sacred voice of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church through the modern media gadgets discovered by brains that God endowed his creatures with to put it to good use.   

The Word of God is above all things. All creations emerged from His Word and stand firm through the Word of God.  The Word of God has eternal life. All living things continue living through His Living Word. The Word of God enables people to receive eternal life and become free from eternal judgment today and in the future. There is no life outside of the Word of God. This truth is known to people through things God reveals Himself to them. God’s revelation takes place through three things:

1. God reveals Himself through His creation;
2. God reveals Himself through His chosen saints;
3. He reveals Himself through being a man.
Thus, the basis for the Christian religion is the revelation by God and His Works; and hence it is of central significance that we realize fully that philosophizing or any other worldly logic has nothing to do with Christianity.   

Accordingly, the foremost and primary mission of the Church is spreading the everlasting and never-changing Word of God across the world; and hence it is unthinkable to bring in heretical, worldly, and erroneous ideas that the feeble human mind keeps on unraveling. Especially Ethiopia received God so long ago based on His revelations through:
• natural law
•  the Old Testament (through the prophets), and later on through
•  the New Testament.

This truth, Christianity, has been preserved by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church for millennia, is a living reality today and it will continue for the time to come as well.   This fact is corroborated, in addition to the Word of God, by the history of the country and its blessed culture.

Thus, since the Ethiopian Church is in a state of continuous growth, the Church needs to transmit the age-old preserved Word of God through its media outlets not only locally but directly throughout the world and for that it has to employ modern tools the time makes available. Behold, the Church realized the inauguration of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church broadcast media to reach all the believers here in Africa, but also the Middle East, Europe, Canada, North America, and Latin America.

This media outlet is the wealth and property of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church believers, as well as being the face of the Church’s profile. As such believers shall support it in every way they can and provide it their utmost care for its success. We would like to express that the channel has a potential for a 24-hour broadcast which could be realized through the support of the laity.

Through this broadcast, the doctrine, dogma, rites of the Church, accompanied with its history will be provided to the laity and that way you will find Ethiopia in all that; because Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church are two sides of the same coin. When you learn about Ethiopian Orthodox Church, you also learn about Ethiopia; two birds with one stone, as the saying has it.  

The Church considers media service a matter of priority since it is instrumental for both the young and adult to learn about their faith and its history, their country and identity, culture and tradition so as to enable them shoulder the responsibility to preserve their Church and take care of history. That way they can build a healthy society imbued with a sense of responsibility about country and faith.   

Therefore, we deliver our fatherly message in the Name of God that the laity and particularly the youth to make maximum use of lessons provided by the Church and give it the support it needs. We hereupon publicly declare the inauguration of the trial broadcast of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church  media.  
                                                                     May God bless you all!!
                                                                                Glory to God!!
His Holiness Abune Mathias I, Archbishop of Axum and Ichege of the See of Saint Takle Haimanot .
June 23, 2016

Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia
Source: Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church – Addis Ababa Diocese

Sewasiwe Birhan Saint Paul Theological College Graduates 236 Disciples

June 28, 2016
By Kassa Nigus & Tsegaye Girma 


  Sewasiwe Birhan Saint Paul Theological College under the Ethiopian Orthodox Church graduated 236 disciples at the Patriarchate on June 25, 2016 in the presence of His Holiness the Patriarch, archbishops, various department heads of the Church and monasteries, college teachers, invited guests and families of the graduates.


His Holiness the Patriarch awarded certificates to the disciples who perused their studies in Old and New Testament interpretations for five and three years. During his opening speech, Liqe Hiruyan Sertse Abebe, Dean of the College, remarked “The College has graduated a number of scholars since its establishment. Today’s 236 graduates studied Old and New Testament commentary. One disabled and two females are among the graduates.”

 During the ceremony, the disciples presented Yaredic hymns and Ge’ez poetry (Qinie) praising archbishops in attendance and highlighting solutions needed for administrative problems in the college. Graduates with exceptional academic excellence received recognition certificates from His Holiness the Patriarch and His Grace Abune Deyoskoros, General Manager of the Patriarchate.

 In a statement delivered through their representative, the graduates called for budget adjustment for church teachers. They also requested the college to include curriculums for Book of Scholars and Book of Monks in addition to Old and New Testament interpretations.

 The graduates also pledged to defend the doctrine of the church from heresies and abide by the canons the Holy Synod issues periodically. They also vowed to scarify themselves for the sake of the church and evangelism, if need be, like the apostles and saints.  

After giving his fatherly blessings, His Holiness Patriarch Abune Mathias stressed that evangelical service is the church’s priority and that church fathers and all the Christendom should improve remuneration for disciples and teachers according to the current living conditions.   

His Grace Abune Deyoskoros on his part said that the General Patriarchate is ready to address the problems of the college promptly and urged the college to forward its concerns to the Patriarchate and the Holy Synod through the proper hierarchy.  

Finally, the graduation ceremony was closed by the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch.

Inauguration of Newly Built Monastery Complex

June 22, 2016


The Complex was built at a cost of 8 million birr.
The modern premises of Abba Giyorgis Zegasicha Monastery which was built in South Wollo Diocese, Kelela town inaugurated on June 19, 2016. The premises was one of the major projects built by Mahibere Kidusan at a cost of eight million birr. The foundation stone of the building was laid six years ago by his grace Abune Atnatewos, archbishop of the diocese.  

2s0a4943.jpg His grace Abune Atnatewos, archbishop of South Wollo Diocese and member of the Holy Synod, his grace Abune Endrias, head of scholar’s council and member of the Holy Synod and the Supreme guardian of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Ato Tesfaye Bihoneng, secretary general of Mahibere Kidusan, church fathers, and other invited guests attended the opening ceremony. 

The complex consists of eighteen guest rooms and other more rooms which may use for rental services. The rental income collected from the premises will be used for strengthening of the service of Debre Bahiry Abba Giyorgis Zegasicha and Abba Betselote Michael monasteries.

Sunday School Department 5th Annual General Conference Joint Statement

June 21, 2016
By Mesfin Zegeye 
The fifth general conference of Sunday school department of the patriarchate of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church was held from June 17 -19, 2016 for three consecutive days. Extensive discussion on the reports of the budget year of the department took place in which three studies on promoting the mission of the Church were presented. The session was attended by representatives of Sunday Schools from 25 dioceses.

His Holiness Abune Mathias I,  Archbishop of Axum and Ichege of the See of Saint Takle Haimanot and His Grace Abune Mathias, archbishop of Canada diocese and member of the Holy Synod attended the closing ceremony  of the conference. On the occasion the Patriarch gave a sermon quoting, “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). 
Major declarations of the joint statement include:
  • We pledge to implement and operate a five-year plan (2006 – 2010 E.C) of Sunday school Department in the remaining time;
  • We ask that a five-year plan of Sunday School Department be part of each parish council’s plan and will be in harmony with the plan of each department of the patriarchate;
  • We work intensively to strengthen services being provided and to establish Sunday Schools on parish churches that have no Sunday schools based on geographical location;
  • We ask that Sunday School Department provide information collected and organized by national Sunday School Departments regarding large-scale damages and activities of current heretics to the Holy Synod;
  • We put forward a unanimous request that  council of scholars react to the heretical statement  entitled “Tehadiso Ze-Orthodox Ye’emnet Meglecha/Faith Statement of the Reformed Orthodox” –  an apostate’s statement  declared by the association of heretics;
  • We ask in unison for an urgent action to be taken on the promoters of /reformed/ heretics movement to stop anti-Orthodox Church activities;  
  • We request the harassment and detention of members of Sunday School Departments by some parish church officials to end;
  • We request the Holy Synod to advise course of action to government bodies to refrain from mistreating members of Sunday school Departments; 
  • We ask once again the (age-restricted) criteria to be member of Sunday School Department mentioned in the Qale Awadi (Ethiopian Church proclamation) and 1986 (E.C) internal church regulation to be annulled;
  • We pledge to work together with departments of the patriarchate and each Sunday school representative for the success of the television program the church has begun to broadcast;
  • We ask the patriarchate to identify Sunday School Departments which have not sent their representatives to participate in the conference and to take decisive measures up on them;
  • We announce to work as a team with Theology College graduates to solve universal church problem. 

Mahibere Kidusan Expresses its grief over the victims in Jimma Diocese

June 17, 2016
By Mesfin Zegeye Tsegaye Girma  
Mahibere Kidusan has expressed its great sorrow over the attack on Christians at St Michael Church located in Yem special Wereda, Kunvi Province under Jimma Diocese. The attack was carried out by extremists in the morning of June 15, 2016 when the faithful went back home after attending morning church services.

Secretary General of Mahibere Kidusan, Ato Tesfaye Bihonegn, indicated that apart from the task of investigating the attack and making it public, the attack perpetrated on fellow Orthodox Christians is a distressing experience and needs to be condemned. The action of the people behind this inhuman incident falls outside of the tenets of any religious group and especially is in direct conflict with Christian teachings and purpose. 

Ato Tesfaye added, “As Christendom is a journey of the cross, it is full of tribulations. Our faith thrived by the blood of our martyred fathers and mothers. Considering this, Christians are not supposed to panic. Previously, Mahibere Kidusan has supported the Jimma Diocese and worked in collaboration with His Grace Abune Estifanos, archbishop of the diocese which has been targeted repeatedly by extremists.  The support will continue in the future as well.” 

His Holiness Abune Estiphanos, archbishop of Jimma, Illubabor and Gambela diocese, and a member of the Holy Synod, responding to a telephone inquiry said that he saddened much by the incident, and that a committee has been established with members from the diocese, Islamic affairs council, and federal and regional governments and is investigating the incident. His Holiness said that the findings of the committee would be disclosed to the Christian community and MK media department through the diocese.

On June 15, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Abune Mathias along with Archbishops visited and comforted the victims and their families who have been receiving medical treatment at Black Lion Hospital.

Mahibere Kidusan Launches Encyclopedia of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church

June 16, 2016
By Kassa Nigus  
Mahiber Kidasan’s (MK) Research Center announced the launch of Encyclopedia of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church at a ceremony held on June11, 2016 at Semein Hotel. The Encyclopedia is named Bahire Tibebat, temporarily, a Ge’ez term meaning sea of wisdom. 

In his opening speech, Deputy Secretary-General  of Mahibere Kidusan, Ato Seyfe Alemayehu, made the remark that preparation of the Encyclopedia is one among the major activities carried out by the Research Center of MK. He also thanked Church and university scholars who contributed towards the success of the project.

Director of Research Center, Dr. Abate Mekuria, said that since the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the owner and source of many invaluable treasures, ancient monuments and has thousands of believers, the absence of church Encyclopedia till now has created a gap not only for the Church but for the country in general. Taking this fact into consideration, Mahiber Kidasan decided to prepare Bahire Tibebat in consultation with the relevant bodies in order to facilitate further the transmission of the teachings of the Church. Dr. Abate added that the Preparation of the Encyclopedia (Bahire Tibebat), directed by an Advisory Board under the chairmanship of Archbishop Abune Lukas, incorporates editorial staff members. The project embraces the involvement of three hundred and seven more local and foreign experts. 

Mel’ake Tabor Teshome Zerihun, one of the members of the Advisory Board, in commenting on the matter cited an Ethiopian saying, “journey of a thousand miles begins in one step”. Though the work required many trials and efforts, one should strive using shortcuts to attain the project before one passes away to see its fruition. He also recommended that the term Medbel be incorporated parallel to the word Encyclopedia,   
Dr. Mikre Sillasie G/Amanuel, another member of the Advisory Board, thanked Mahibere Kidusan for taking the initiative and start of this project. Though it is sad that Church Encyclopedia is absent till now, now they are sitting there making every effort to attain it. He also added that as the word encyclopedia comes from the Greek word meaning a source of knowledge, it is better to give it an equivalent name for it.  He suggested alternative names such as Mezgebe A’emro, Mezgebe Tibebat, Felege A’emro, Felege Tibebat etc.



During the ceremony, the Advisory Board and other members of the editorial board expressed their excitement for being participants in the project. They also added that it is important to anticipate problems through insight so that it is possible to go past it and exhibit patience and understanding. They also underlined the need to ask God in prayer for the success of the project. 

During the event, an Advisory Board and an Editorial Board were set up.  Accordingly, Prof. Shiferaw Bekele [chairman], Prof. Baye Yimam [vice chairman], Dr. Abate Mekurya [Secretary], became members of the Advisory Board while members for the Editorial Board are Dr Yohannes Adgeh [chairman], Dr. Abebaw Minaye [vice chairman], and Deacon Mulalem Kassa [secretary].

Finally, Dr Yohannes Adgeh, chairman of the project, expressed his appreciation to the participants of the event and the owners of Semien Hotel for letting them use the hall for free. Following the lunch program to the guests, the event was closed in prayer.

18th General Assembly of Mahibere kidusan American Branch launched

June 4, 2016
By America Branch 
Mahibere kidusan (MK) America Branch under the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Sunday School department organized its 18th General Assembly from May 28-29, 2016 in Seattle, Washington DC. The event was attended by more than 400 members of MK, Sunday Sschool students, representatives and management bodies of DC, California and Western America diocese, and invited guests. 

In his welcoming speech, Dr. Hilmneh Snishaw, the head of MK American branch office, highlighted the main activities carried out in the course of the budget year. Mel’ake Selam Kesis Mesfin Tegeng, (Dr.), Secretary General of DC diocese, delivered a message on behalf of his grace Abune Fanuel. Father Dejenie Shiferaw, (Dr.), gave a sermon citing 1 Cor. 9:16.

Each department of the branch office presented their respective annual report and plan for the next budget year. Representative of Mahibere Kidusan head office, Like Tiguhan Kesis Mulugeta Seyoum, (Dr.), presented the report of the main office and responded to questions and ideas raised by the participants. He also elaborated on the activities of heretics in particular and the general current issues of the church in general.  

A film entitled, “Zikre abew” – reminiscing the lives of fathers – was shown to the audience as part of the 7th year commemoration of Like Gubae Abera Bekele, who contributed greatly for the expansion of MK services.  

In the course of the assembly held as part of the ceremony, 13 new management bodies were elected after prayer was held and lot was cast to lead for the next two years, following the end of the last two year term of the outgoing management.

Finally, it was decided to hold the next 19th and 20th general assembly at Boston and Virginia, respectively. The assembly was closed in prayer and hymn of the church.

            (Translation – Kassa Nigus) 

‘Free Healthcare’ to Ziquala Monastery Community campaign launched

June 4, 2016                                                                  

By Adama branch office



Mahibere Kidusan Adama branch office, under the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Department of Kidusat Mekanat provided free medical services to the community of Ziquala Debre Kewakibt Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus Monastery on 15 May, 2016. Abbots, nuns and disciples of the monastery are the main target beneficiaries of the services.

About 38 health professionals including medical specialists, health providers, laboratory technicians from Debre Zeit and Adulala area office and campus students of Adama Medical College participated in this blissful voluntary service.

The abbots, nuns and disciples of the monastery received full health examination, such as hyperbaton, eye examination and diabetics as well as medical support. The medical supplies were funded by Kidusat Mekanat Development and Social service department of the main office and one individual donor. Medical specialists of Adama Eyyor Clinic contributed a lot in this medical campaign by providing medical instruments and medicines.  

In addition to the medical services, the disciples of the monastery got personal hygiene and environmental sanitation trainings by the health professionals. Kidusat Mekanat Department of MK Adama branch office offered dressings and body and cloth soaps as part of the campaign. More than 250 communities of the monastery are the beneficiaries of the campaign.

Then, the communities of the monastery expressed their appreciation to Mahibere Kidusan and promised to remember them in their prayers. They also commended MK to keep up the good work. Finally, the campaign was closed by prayer and blessings by the abbots of the monastery.

May the prayer of our Church Fathers be with us!
(Translation – Mesfin Zegeye)