Mahibre Kidusan Launches Its 5th Orthodox Tewahido Exhibition

  ‘Be versed with EOTC doctrines, and live up to one’s duties’

May 26, 2016

By Mesfin Zegeye 

The Special Exhibition organized by Mahibere Kidusan (MK) and eagerly awaited by the laity has been launched in the presence of senior Church fathers, management and members of MK, invited guests, and visitors. The Exhibition will remain open for six consecutive days from May 25 to 30, 2016 at Addis Ababa Exhibition Centre.
Spiritual sermon with verses from the Gospel, referring to the mysterious ways in which God works, accompanied the opening ceremony of the Exhibition. The Exhibition has very important messages to impart particularly to children of the Church but also to the general public, it was underlined.

The motto for the Exhibition focuses on the need for children of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church to be well aware of the Church’s doctrine as well as the need for them to play their part in the Church. Components in the Exhibition include major features of the Church and its evangelical mission in the world, in Africa and Ethiopia; current challenges faced by the Church; and the roles the laity are expected to play. The Exhibition, on top of so many illustrations and displays, included audio-visual elements that prove to be very informative and insightful.  

The Exhibition helps each member of the laity to take a very close look into oneself as a Christian and the potential role expected of each given the current situation of the Church and oneself. It helps see where oneself stands as a Christian and as a member in the Church community.

Although the Exhibition was originally planned to be staged from March 24 to 30, 2016, it was banned in a move that was not very clear. MK took up the issue with appropriate bodies and managed to achieve the lifting of the ban and the launching of the Exhibition for the laity as well as for the general public.
The Exhibition would remain open from 8 AM to 6 PM for consecutive six days.

8620 new believers baptized in Gilgel Beles of Metekel

April 28, 2016

By Mesfin Zegeye 


Some 8620 new believers have been baptized and came into the fold of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in a historic evangelic mission carried out at three weredas of Gilgel Beles in Metekel diocese, south western parts of Ethiopia, from April 23 – 24, 2016, Mahibere Kidusan Education and Apostolic Service Main Department disclosed.

Through the coordination of Mahibere Kidusan and in cooperation with Metekel diocese, wereda parishes and Gilgel Beles center, residents of Mandura, Dibate and Dawro woreda have been receiving spiritual lessons on the dogma of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church and in preparation for their re-birth before their baptism.

The newly baptized members of the church expressed that they always have had a special place for the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in their hearts and have been yearning for that day all their lives. They expressed their deepest joy for seeing such a day and becoming children of God and members of the church.

Mahibere Kidusan Launches Oromiffa TV Program in Minnesota

April 21, 2016 (Mahibere Kidusan US Office)
Mahibere Kidusan has launched Oromiffa TV programs in Minneapolis and Saint Paul cities of Minnesota. Transmission commenced on April 17, 2016, the Mahibere Kidusan US Office indicated. Transmission of the TV program is aired starting from 4:00 PM /USA central time/ on Sunday via channel 75. 
US Mahibere Kidusan Office encouraged the laity to exploit the good opportunity by tuning to the program. In a separate development, Mahibere Kidusan Office in Minneapolis organized spiritual sessions on April 16 to 17, 2016, sources indicated. 

The Banned Exhibition Gets the Green Light

April 20, 2016

Mahibere Kidusan’s 5th Grand Exhibition which was scheduled to be shown from March 24 – 30, 2016 was suddenly suspended following a ban issued by government bodies just a few hours before its planned opening.

After almost a month of uncertainty about the fate of the event, the exhibition has now got the go-ahead for display thanks to a series of discussions Mahibere Kidusan held with concerned government bodied.  As per the new schedule, the exhibition will be shown to the public from May 25 – 30 at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center. The exhibition halls will be open from 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM.

 Mahibere Kidusan cordially invites Orthodox Christians to attend the exhibition. The exhibition aims at raising the awareness of Orthodox Christians about the challenges the church is facing currently and encourage them to make a difference through simple intervention.

Mahibere Kidusan Gives Statement on Orthodox Exhibition Ban

March 28, 2016

By M/hr Kassa Nigus

It is public knowledge that Mahibere Kidusan has finalized preparations to hold its 5th Grand Exhibition from March 24 – 30, 2016 at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center. But in a rather surprising move the exhibition has been banned very unexpectedly by government bodies just a few hours earlier from the due time for the opening of the exhibition. Last Thursday, Mahibere Kidusan gave a press conference regarding the issue.

01tesf.pngGeneral Secretary of the association, Ato Tesfaye Bihonegn explained the steps went through and the activities carried out in organizing the exhibition. According to Ato Tesfaye, Mahiber Kidusan has reached agreement with the exhibition center to stage a one week exhibition a year before, August 2015. He also added that, they have fulfilled all the required criteria. First, a letter of endorsement giving the go-ahead and written by the general manager of the Patriarchate of Archbishop Abune Mathewos was submitted to the company followed by the signing of an agreement with the company and handing over of the initial payment.

In accordance with the agreement, we made the last payment on March 21, 2016. But in the morning of March 23, 2016, a day before the due opening date, when the exhibition committee requested the key to the exhibition hall to take-in materials for the event, in a rather shocking move the committee was told that they could not enter the exhibition hall. When they asked them the rationale for their unexpected refusal, they told them that they should bring permission letter from Addis Ababa city administration. This request was unusual requirement and such a question has never been raised before. As it turns out, the rationale behind the ban has not been openly and clearly expressed, and the company itself has found the measure puzzling. The exhibition center has taken the responsibility for the suspension of the exhibition.

Lastly, Ato Tesfaye indicated that the exhibition was banned by government bodies. He also elaborated on the problem, and expressed his hope that it will be solved through discussion with the concerned bodies. The management of Mahiber Kidusan will announce where and when the exhibition takes place in the future.

Afan Oromo Language Book of Liturgy Inaugurated

March 28, 2016

By Kassa N. & Tsegaye Girma

01m_kidasee.pngThe Book Liturgy of the Ethiopian Orthodo0x Tewahido Church has been translated into Oromoiffa. The inauguration ceremony of the newly published Book of Liturgy was held last week on March 19, 2016, at Elili International Hotel, Addis Ababa

02m_kidase.pngHis Holiness Abune Mathias, Archbishops, former Ethiopian President Girma Wolde-Giorgis, officials of the Oromia region, administrators and staff members of Addis Ababa Diocese, Oromifa speaking intellectuals and believers attended the inauguration ceremony.

During the event, a report on the translation project which took about ten years was presented by the committee and concerned archbishops. According to the report, the project was started by the good will of the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Church in 1998 E.C.

The committee tasked with the project consisted of four members from the council of intellectuals of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and  five additional scholars, and was led by four Oromiffa speaking archbishops: His Grace Abune Henok, His Grace Abune Sawiros, His Grace Abune Yared and His Grace Abune Ewostatewos.  The translation was meticulously observed and edited by scholars of Addis Ababa University and native speakers of the language. The book consists of different dialects to make it comprehensive and inclusive of all Oromiffa speakers.

In his welcoming speech to the invited guests who attended the program, His Grace Abune Sawiros, archbishop of Western Shewa diocese, recalled the significant role the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church played in producing God-fearing generation. He said, “The church led its children on a path of civilization by illuminating the light of knowledge through the invention of unique Alphabets with their syllables before the establishment of the modern ministry of education. So, she has been praised forever for her contribution.” His Grace also congratulated the participants of the ceremony on the translation of the Book and thanked the parties involved in the project.  

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, His Holiness noted that the translation of the Book of Liturgy, which consists of the 14 Anaphoras, is aimed at enabling the Church’s Oromo fellowship to worship and praise God in their native tongue. He added, “This proves that our church is all inclusive and has been serving its children equally. We will also devise long and short term plans to translate the Book into the languages of the country’s diverse nations and nationalities.

His Grace Abune Henok, archbishop of western Wellega (Qelem and Assosa) diocese, on his part said,“The translation work started in 1998 E.C and took 10 years to complete. Some anti-Orthodox groups have tried to politicize our faith saying Ethiopian Orthodox church is a faith of certain ethnic groups. Now, this work is a turning point for this stereotype. The original Ge’ez language and its Yaredic hymn are preserved without modification and no one touches it.  The Ethiopian Ge’ez language is a center of unity and unifies all nations and nationalities.”  04m_kidase.png

Participants of the event also expressed their delight over the translation of the Book of Liturgy into Oromiffa.  The newly published Book consists of three columns: Ge’ez, Amharic, Afan Oromo (Latin alphabet letters). Each copy is available for sale at a price of ETB 375.00.

Welcome to the 5th Grand Exhibition of Mahibere Kidusan

March 18, 2016 


The exhibition, which will be held under the theme ‘Realizing the doctrine of Orthodox Church, and our roles’, aims at acquainting Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Christians with the Orthodox Christianity doctrine and encouraging them to contribute their share in preserving their faith.

The Exhibition explores the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church teachings by focusing on four themes:
•  Major features of the church,
• The Apostolic Mission of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church particularly in Ethiopia and Africa, and in the world in general,
•  The current challenges of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church,
•  What can Orthodox Christians do? What is expected of them?
The exhibition includes slide presentations, short Documentaries, animations, photographs, saint icons, audiovisual pieces, artworks, films, and banners. Striking presentations supported by modern technologies are available.
Highlights of the exhibition will be presented, accompanied by special sermons and Saint Yared hymns. And much more.

Mahibere Kidusan cordially invites Orthodox Christians to attend this event of utmost importance. Learn about your church and make a difference through simple interventions.

    Venue:- Addis Ababa Exhibition Center
    Date:-  March 24 – 30, 2016 /for seven consecutive days/
   Time:-  8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  Entrance Fee:-  Eth. birr 20
  Organizer:-     Mahibere Kidusan

 If you have comments, suggestions and questions, please feel free to forward them via:
Phone: 09 47 35 47 47 / 09 47 47 35 47

Coptic Bishop explains the Ethiopian people will not allow Egypt to be harmed (By Al-Monitor)

March 17, 2016
The Online newspaper media, Al-Monitor (termed as the pulse of the Middle East), based in Washington, DC. , made an interview with Bishop Beeman, who coordinates ties between the Egyptian and Ethiopian Coptic churches, about the crisis management of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, one of the largest dams in the world. 
The dam which is currently under construction on the Blue Nile River is expected to generate 6,000MW hydro electric power, the main and saddle dams will also create reservoirs with an impounding capacity of 74 billion cubic meters.
Egypt and Ethiopia become suspicious of each other since Ethiopia began construction on the 4.8 billion dollar Grand Renaissance Dam in 2011. Egypt fears the new dam, will reduce the downstream flow of the Nile, which 85 million Egyptians rely on for almost all of their water needs while the Ethiopian government believes the dam will not reduces the total water supply. Ethiopians believe that the dam will become an image of national pride and a symbol of the country’s recent development. 

According to the Al- Monitor, Bishop Beeman, the coordinator of relations between the Ethiopian and Egyptian Coptic churches and chairman of the crisis management committee at the Coptic Holy Synod, told Al-Monitor that the church plays an indirect role in the Renaissance Dam crisis, explaining that the Ethiopian people will not allow Egypt to be harmed. Beeman talked about the churches attacked and burned after security forces broke up sit-ins being held by supporters of former President Mohammed Morsi at the Rabia al-Adawiya and Nahda Squares. He also addressed the latest efforts deployed by the armed forces to rebuild or renovate these churches. The text of the interview follows:

Al-Monitor:  In your capacity as coordinator of relations between the Ethiopian and Egyptian Coptic churches, do you think the Egyptian Coptic Church can play a role in resolving the Renaissance Dam crisis?
Beeman:  Based on its historical and spiritual ties with the Ethiopian church, the Coptic Orthodox Church can play an indirect role. The church is the soft power trusted by Egypt and Ethiopia. The church is openly fulfilling its duties in an organized and orderly manner and is sending messages of love to the Ethiopian people. We seek to consolidate relations between the Ethiopian and Egyptian peoples in order to create a suitable climate for politicians and technicians so as to improve the dam negotiation.
Al-Monitor:  You have said that the Ethiopian people and church will not allow to harm the Egyptian people in terms of decreasing Nile water quotas. Did you mean that the Ethiopian people object to the government’s stance on the Renaissance Dam issue?
Beeman:  What I mean is that the Ethiopian people and church will not allow the government to harm the Egyptian people. This was confirmed by the Ethiopian church leaders in all of our meetings. They always asked the Egyptian people to help them in their development process. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has stressed that the development of Ethiopia is in Egypt’s best interest, provided that Egypt’s Nile water quota is not prejudiced.
Al-Monitor:  Can the Ethiopian church play a role in solving the Renaissance Dam crisis?
Beeman:  The Ethiopian church is the voice of the Ethiopian people, and an active government expresses the will of its people. Ethiopians are expressing their love for the Egyptian people and their keenness on supporting the Egyptians’ interests.
Al-Monitor:  You have been present during President Sisi’s visits to Ethiopia. Do you think that such visits help in advancing toward a solution to the crisis?
Beeman:  President Sisi visited Ethiopia twice. Presidential visits contribute to solving the crisis. It should be noted that the president’s speech before the Ethiopian parliament had a significant impact and was a clear message to the Ethiopian people that Egypt appreciates Ethiopia.
Al-Monitor:  There is a dispute between the Ethiopian and Egyptian Coptic churches concerning ownership of Deir es-Sultan, a monastery atop the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. What is the status of this dispute? Does it impact relations in general between the two branches of the church?
Beeman:  The Deir Es-Sultan crisis is stagnant, but after the ordination of Anba Anthony as the new bishop of Jerusalem, the case will be revived. We do not mention this crisis during the meetings with the Ethiopian church’s leadership, as we are waiting for the right time to discuss it amicably with them.
Al-Monitor:  In your capacity as the chairman of the Crises Council in the Holy Synod, how many of the churches burned following the breakup of the Rabia al-Adawiya sit-in have been restored?
Beeman:  Sixty-two sites were attacked after the dispersion of the Rabia and Al-Nahda sit-ins. By "site" I mean both the churches and annexed buildings. The armed forces finished the first 10 sites, which constituted the first phase, while 10 other sites were renovated during the second phase. We now have 24 sites, including 14 sites that need to be demolished, rebuilt and partially renovated. The other sites only need to be repainted. The church handled some of the sites, amid facilitated renovation measures and the cooperation of the executive authorities in granting us permits.
Al-Monitor:  How much does it cost to renovate the burned churches?
Beeman:  The state has spent 89 million Egyptian pounds (about $11.3 million) in recent years on the renovation of burned churches.
Al-Monitor:  Did the church incur any costs for renovating the burned churches?
Beeman:  The church did not spend one dime on the renovation. The government handled the renovation of most of the burned churches.
Al-Monitor:  Did businessmen contribute to these renovations?
Beeman:  Church members helped renovate some sites that did not require a huge budget and that were only slightly damaged. The donations were not big, barely reaching 1 million pounds ($112,000), and we must thank them for this help.

Source:Al-Monitor ( 

The Patriarch releases message for Great Lent

March 7, 2016
By Kassa Nigus  


His Holiness Abune Mathias, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, Echege of the See of St. Tekle Haymanot, Archbishop of Axum has made an address regarding the Fast of Great Lent, locally known as Abiy tsom/Hudade, which will begin on Monday Yekatit 28, 2008 E.C.( March 7, 2016).
During his address held on March 4, 2016 at the special office of the patriarchate, Abune Mathias addressing extensively  about the worth of life  quoting on John : 10:10 “ …I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  Jesus came to earth to save lost mankind and give eternal life for mankind. The first and biggest wealth of every creature is life. The ups and downs of Life of man and other living things are only to give care, preserve and keep going their own life, H.H said.
H.H emphasizes on the meaning of fasting saying, when many Christians think about fasting, they merely remember staying away from food for a specific period of time and restrictions from dairy products but fasting has many more meanings that will benefit you and many more other aspects that we have to understand and perform including abstinence from quarreling, cruelty, injustice, oppression, demoralizing others, selfishness, idleness, and all worldly desires.     
Therefore, during this fasting season, all Christians and every citizens shall stand for unity, peace, fraternity and development of his country and be cleansed from all evil thoughts and deeds that endanger the unity of the country. You also enjoy the season by realizing the suffering of others who have no food and clothing especially those of drought victim relatives. You come close to God through fasting, prayer and loving each other. 

Pope Francis Meets Ethiopian Patriarch: Martyrs seed of Christian unity

March 1, 2016
Pope Francis urged world leaders to “promote peaceful coexistence” in the face of “a devastating outbreak of violence against Christians” on Monday, when he received the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Abune Matthias I, in the Vatican.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is the largest of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which rejected the definitions of the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451.

In his address, Pope Francis told Pope Matthias I “what unites us is greater than what divides us,” and added that “shared sufferings have enabled Christians, otherwise divided in so many ways, to grow closer to one another.”

“Just as in the early Church the shedding of the blood of martyrs became the seed of new Christians, so today the blood of the many martyrs of all the Churches has become the seed of Christian unity,” 
Pope Francis said. “The ecumenism of the martyrs is a summons to us, here and now, to advance on the path to ever greater unity.” Pope Francis noted that “from the beginning” the Ethiopian Church has been a Church of martyrs.

“Today too, you are witnessing a devastating outbreak of violence against Christians and other minorities in the Middle East and in some parts of Africa,” Pope Francis said. “We cannot fail, yet again, to implore those who govern the world’s political and economic life to promote a peaceful coexistence based on reciprocal respect and reconciliation, mutual forgiveness and solidarity.”

Abune Mathias was scheduled to visit the tomb of St Peter, hold talks at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and celebrate the Divine Liturgy with members of the large Ethiopian community in the chapel of Rome’s ‘Urbanianum’ College.

According to historical records of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Christianity in Ethiopia dates to the 1st century AD as it recorded in the New Testament (Acts 8:26-38) when Philip the Evangelist converted an Ethiopian court official.  Latter, Orthodox Christianity became the established church of the Ethiopian Axumit Kingdom under king Ezana in the 4th century when priesthood and the sacraments were brought for the first time through a Syrian Greek named Frumentius, known by the local population in Ethiopia as Abba Selama, Kesate Birhan ("Father of Peace, Revealer of Light").  Abba Selama was ordained as bishop in Egypt by St Athenasius of Alexandria and returned to Ethiopia to spread the Christian faith. The Church has maintained a number of ancient Jewish traditions, including the practice of circumcision, dietary restrictions and the observance of the Sabbath day.

According to the Parish Council Department of the Patriarchate, the Church counts some 50 million members and until very recently maintained the use of the ancient Ge’ez language for the liturgy, although many parishes now prefer to use Amharic, the main language of modern day Ethiopia.

The Orthodox Church is part of the International Mixed Commission for Theological Dialogue with the Catholic Church which meets annually, alternating between Rome and one of the countries represented by the seven Orthodox members. Relations with the Catholic Church were significantly strengthened under the previous Patriarch, Abuna Paulos, who met with Pope John Paul II ion 1993, with Pope Benedict in 2009 and in that same year, also addressed the special Synod of Bishops for Africa as an ecumenical guest. In January 2012 the members of the Mixed Commission were warmly welcomed to Addis Abeba by Abuna Paulos, who died suddenly later in the year.

Abuna Mathias, who lived in exile for three decades during the communist dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam, was elected as head of the Church three years ago, on February 28th, 2013.
The full address by Pope Francis is below
 Address of His Holiness Pope Francis
To His Holiness Pope Matthias I
Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Monday, 29 February 2016
Your Holiness,
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is a joy and a moment of grace to be able to welcome all of you here present.  I greet with affection His Holiness and the distinguished members of the Delegation.  I thank you for your words of friendship and spiritual closenesss.  Through you, I send cordial greetings to the bishops, clergy and the entire family of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church throughout the world.  The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Your Holiness’s visit strengthens the fraternal bonds already uniting our Churches.  We recall with gratitude the visit of Patriarch Abuna Paulos to Saint John Paul II in 1993.  On 26 June 2009, Abuna Paulos returned to meet Benedict XVI, who invited him to return in October of that same year as a special guest, to address  the second Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops on the situation in Africa and the challenges facing its peoples.  In the early Church, it was common practice that one Church would send representatives to the synods of other Churches.  This sense of ecclesial sharing was evident also in 2012, on the occasion of the funeral of His Holiness Abuna Paulos, at which a delegation of the Holy See was present.
From 2004 on, the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches have worked together to deepen their communion through the theological dialogue advanced by the Joint International Commission.  We are happy to note the increasing participation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in this dialogue.  Over the years, the Commission has examined the fundamental concept of the Church as communion, understood as participation in the communion between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  In this way, we have come to see that we have almost everything in common: one faith, one Baptism, one Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We are united by virtue of our Baptism, which has made us members of the one Body of Christ.  We are also united by the various common elements of our rich monastic traditions and liturgical practices.  We are brothers and sisters in Christ.  As has often been observed, what unites us is greater than what divides us.
We truly feel that the words of the Apostle Paul apply to us: “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together” (1 Cor 12:26).  Shared sufferings have enabled Christians, otherwise divided in so many ways, to grow closer to one another.  Just as in the early Church the shedding of the blood of martyrs became the seed of new Christians, so today the blood of the many martyrs of all the Churches has become the seed of Christian unity.  The martyrs and saints of all the ecclesial traditions are already one in Christ.  Their names are inscribed in the one martyrologium of the Church of God.  The ecumenism of the martyrs is a summons to us, here and now, to advance on the path to ever greater unity.
From the beginning, yours has been a Church of martyrs.  Today too, you are witnessing a devastating outbreak of violence against Christians and other minorities in the Middle East and in some parts of Africa.  We cannot fail, yet again, to implore those who govern the world’s political and economic life to promote a peaceful coexistence based on reciprocal respect and reconciliation, mutual forgiveness and solidarity.
Your country is making great strides to improve the living conditions of its people and to build an ever more just society, based on the rule of law and respect for the role of women.  I think in particular of the problem of access to water, with its grave social and economic repercussions.  There is great room for cooperation between the Churches in the service of the common good and the protection of creation.  I am certain of the readiness of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia to work together with the Orthodox Tewahedo Church over which Your Holiness presides.
Your Holiness, dear brothers and sisters, it is my fervent hope that this meeting will mark a new chapter of fraternal friendship between our Churches. We are conscious that history has left us with a burden of painful misunderstandings and mistrust, and for this we seek God’s pardon and healing.  Let us pray for one another, invoking the protection of the martyrs and saints upon all the faithful entrusted to our pastoral care.  May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten us and guide our steps towards harmony and peace.  May he nourish in us the hope that one day, with God’s help, we will be united around the altar of Christ’s sacrifice in the fullness of Eucharistic communion.  I pray to Mary, Mother of Mercy, for each of you, with words drawn from your own beautiful and rich liturgical tradition: “O Virgin, wellspring of the fountain of wisdom, bathe me in the streams of the Gospel of Christ your Son.  Defend me by his Cross.  Cover me with his mercy, gird me with his clemency, renew me with his unction and surround me with his fruits.  Amen”.
Your Holiness, may Almighty God abundantly bless your ministry in the service of the beloved people of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Source: Vatican Radio (with some modifications)