
Seasons are repetitive flow of rain, cloud, sun and thunders within days, months and years.

The Two Pillars of Church

Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul have become the two pillars of Church who were ardent preachers of the word of God, unshakable and valiant soldiers of the truth of Lord Jesus Christ. They feared neither beatings, nor even a martyric death, which they both suffered.

Holy Church

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and gratitude to Almighty God!

Children, how are you? How is school and exam? We hope you are doing great and pass all of the tests with good grades!

Dear Children! Today we are going to teach you about Holy Church.

The Importance of studying the lives of Saints

Many times some would say in amazement: Who can carry out these principles?! Is it really possible for one to turn the other cheek to the one who slapped him? (Matthew 5:39). Is it possible that one always ought to pray and not lose heart? (Luke 18:1) to pray without ceasing? (1 Thessolians 5:17) is it possible for one to give all he has to the poor? (Matthew 19:21) We see all these questions and many similar ones answered and presented in the lives of the Saints. The whole commandments and teachings of God may seem as being theoretical. But in the lives of the Saints, we see them carrying out the Lord’s commandments in their everyday lives.

God is Eternal

Eternity of God is the everlasting existences of His power, love, peace and happiness. He was eternal before the creation of the world; He is eternal now and will be forever! His eternity is in His Trinity; the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit. It is in this mystery that we, His children can comprehend His eternity.

Month of Ginbot (May)

Ethiopians in the past, especially the parishioners, had a wrong view of Month Ginbot (May). At that time, they assumed performing any kind of activity is luckless. Many thought that the house they are building or may build would end up in disaster. They also believed that there would be no happy ending to a marriage in May. There two reasons which presumed to be an error. …

“My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation” (Psalm 13:5)

A human nature that embraces the redemption of God and exchanges this love relishes internal peace and sin has no control over it.  Live and experience the Resurrection in the life of the living Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at heart. The Resurrection of Christ is thus a new aspect in the lives of humans fulfilled by Christ in the fullness of time so that the prophecies would come true “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

The Power of Resurrection

The rising of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the dead is the mark of the salvation of human race. His resurrection means that we believe in His love, sacrifice and redemption to ‎humanity. He rose from the dead by Himself without ‎anybody raising Him. But Christ Himself rose by Himself because He had ‎the power of resurrection in Him and it was not possible for death to capture Him because ‎He had the life in Him. (John 1:4)

The Suffering and Death of Lord Jesus Christ

As we contemplate Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s Passion, we have a tendency to overemphasize the physical suffering and sacrifice Jesus Christ experience because it is material, tangible and easy to understand. He was spat upon, cursed at, whipped, beaten, humiliated, scourged and finally crucified. But overemphasizing the physical suffering leads to undervaluing the enormous spiritual suffering He experienced during those last days.

Holy Passion Week

Passion Week is celebrated in Holy Church in the observation of the sufferings of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; it is the week is the week of praises. The path of Lord Jesus’ suffering started since His birth. The prophet Isaiah said, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah 53:3) Lord Jesus was born in a manger because Saint Joseph the righteous and the Holy Virgin Mary were unable to find room on their way to the registration of Census. (Luke 2: 7)