About Mahibere Kidusan
The association was named Mahibre Kidusan (an association in the name of Saints) Saints would be commemorated in that they abounded the secular world and sacrificed their lives to the orthodox belief for whom the prophets prophesized and apostles evangelized.
In 1977 E.C (Ethiopian Calendar) few students of higher education initiated the youth in the compass to become members of Sunday school and know the teachings of the churches. Later, this effort had been strengthened by students trained in the Zeaway Hamere Berehan St.Gebreil Clergy Training Monastery by the Then Arch Bishop of Shewa Abune Gorgorious II.
The movements continued in Bilatie military camp that brought all students of higher institutions in the country in 1983 E.C after a year, with the blessing of the church fathers the associations was set up by the name “Mahibre Kidusan” under the Sunday School Department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Since then the associations has been proving spiritual service.
“Envisioning the Church fulfill its universal leadership role.”
Fructify and procure an organized, whole, eloquent, moderate, versatile and leader generation who strives in achieving the church’s mission and diligently work for her existence.
Institutional Asset
The association shall not interfere in administrative affairs of the church and it is free from and political affiliation.
- Disciples who trained in various training institution of the church and providing ministerial activity.
- Higher institution students attending Sunday in their respective parishes.
- Member of Sunday school or/and parish that provide spiritual service after graduating from higher institution.
- The laity who support the objective of the association with their knowledge, money and labor.
Mahiber Kidusan is set under the Sunday School department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It provides spiritual services by its sub centers in the dioceses all over the country and in the Diaspora.
How long shall earth mourn?
Earth mourns every day. But why does she cry? When do people also seize to harm? Until when shall the dessert grasses continue to dry? Till when do the birds and animals die? How long will be God’s wrath upon us? Till when do the Saints sue earth? We ask the question Prophet Jeremiah asked even now!
Are we living in the end times?
Are we living in the end times? Is everything that is happening around us pointing to the end of the world as we know it? I’m sure many of us have asked this question before, and many people in history have also assumed that their own era is nearing the so called ‘end of the ages’. As a matter of fact, every generation of humans has had at least one group of people who claimed they would be the generation that would witness the so called “end of the world”. And so, it comes as no surprise, that in an exceptional time like the one we live in now, a time of pandemic, chaos, and panic, that many are also claiming that the end is near. But is it?
Mother Zion
Words cannot be sufficient enough to describe the honor and praise of our Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary. Fortunate to us, for we are willed to use the words revealed to Saints in talking about and praise of her. “Our spiritual love towards the Savior Jesus Christ and His mother is deep-rooted in our hearts, and appears in our daily life. We love Saint Mary, the Virgin and mother of God, through whom we discover the nature of her Son as the Incarnate Son of God. Her life speaks of God’s redeeming deed, and explains man’s role in attaining the heavenly life by the divine grace. Saint Mary is our Mother, who became an archetype of the Church, receiving a universal maternity to man. She loves the whole world, longing for the perfect salvation of everybody…” says Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty in his book “Saint Mary in the Orthodox Concept)
The Nativity Fast
Brethren! We have become less fortunate when it comes to having good Religious and Patristic Fathers who can lead us to the right path. They are facing their own trail and impediments within this devious world. We are leaving in a universe filled with evil, deceptiveness, treachery, fornication and all the sinful acts disgraced by the Lord. As the days go by, we are sinking into the satanic storm and for this, we seek to have a shelter from all the deviousness and weapons in defeating the enemy. Our sturdy weapons are prayer, fasting, prostration and good deeds as we have read and learned from the fight of righteous and saints in scripted in their hagiographies.
Saint Angel’s Intercession
Dear Children of God! how are you? How is life and education? Our Great Lord has enriched us to the third month of this year! Glory to Him! Hope you have grown spiritually and in your Christian life. It is better to learn and study well in your young age for you would be a brave, good and obedient children of God.
Little ones! If you remember, we have learned about the meaning of intercession and our Holy Mother Saint Mary’s intercession on our last lesson. On this section, we will see about the intercession of Saint Angels; be with us!