“Let the earth bring for the grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself.” (Genesis 1: 11-13)
It was deep wisdom of God that commanded the earth, when it rested after discharging the weigh to f the waters, first to bring forth grass, then wood as we see it doing still at this time. For the voice that was then heard and this command were as a natural and permanent law for it; it gave fertility and the power to produce fruit for all ages to come; “Let the earth bring forth.” The production of vegetables shows first germination. When the germs begin to sprout they form grass; this develops and becomes a plant, which in sensibly receives its different articulations, and reaches its maturity in the seed. Thus all things which sprout and are green are developed. “Let the earth bring forth green grass.” Let the earth bring forth by itself without having any need of help from without.