The Conception of Saint Mary

On the blessed day of August 7 (E.C) God sent the great angel Gabriel, and he spoke to Joachim the righteous man, saying, “Behold, thy wife Hannah shall conceive, and she shall bear thee a daughter, and in her shall be joy and salvation for all the world”; which actually took place through Mary, the bearer of God in the flesh.

The Mercy of God

Mercy is one of God’s qualities and the merciful one bears a His likeness. It was said about God “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy.  He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins. Nor punished us according to our iniquities.  For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy towards those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:8-12)

Fast of the Ascension of Saint Mary

Onwards the death of our Holy Mother Saint Mary, the Apostles continued to be sad and sorrowful, because of her separation from them. Because they were left orphans by her; for our Lord had given them the hope of seeing her in the flesh.

Whilst John the evangelist was preaching in the country of Asia, on the sixteenth day of the month of August he was caught up in the spirit to the Garden of Delight, and he saw our Lord Jesus Christ sitting by the Tree of Life, where was the body of our Lady Mary. He then commanded His Seven Angels to summon her from earth….

Archangel Saint Uriel

Archangel Saint Uriel is one of the vigilant holy angels who was sent from the Lord to Prophet Ezra to console, show the symbols and reveal to him all mysteries which will take place in the later days. When Ezra was troubled, while he was in captivity, distressed, greatly sorrowful about the captivity of the people and when he saw the idol­ worshipping Babylonians put the Israelites under cruel and bitter servitude as Ezra himself has said.

Saint Abba Ephraim, the Syrian

Saint Abba Ephraim, the Syrian was a man from the city of Kawakebet, and his father was a priest of idols, who hated the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, Abba Ephraim departed to Saint Abba Jacob, Bishop of Nisibis, who admonished, taught and baptized him with Christian baptism.

Saint Abba Cyrus (Kiros)

The Saint of Roman origin who was born from royalties Abba Cyrus (Kiros)  was the son of a Christian king of “Rome” Abya (son of Yonani) by his wife Genaser (vars. Anaser, Menaser). Three years after his brother Tewodosyos succeeded their father, Kiros becomes a hermit.

“The LORD appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre” (Genesis 18:1)

The New Testament revelation of the Holy Trinity’s appearance to Abraham is the visit of the three guests of God to Abraham under the plains of Mamre.

The Great Prophet Joshua

The son of Nun, the disciple of chief of the Prophets Moses and author of the Old Testament book named after him, Joshua was from the tribe of Ephraim, born in Egypt. He was disciplined by Prophet Moses for he became obedient, humble, perfect and lowly before him due to which the spirit of Moses the prophet dwelt upon him and he prophesied in his days.

Saint Jude, the Apostle and Martyr

Saint Jude, the Apostle became a martyr on July 2 . He was the son of Joseph the carpenter and was one of the Seventy-two disciples. This Saint preached in many cities, including the island where he built a Church. He has also gone to the city of Edessa and healed Abgar, the King of Edessa, of his illness and baptized him.

Abba Moses the Black

Men have marveled at the spiritual fight of Abba Moses the Black for he seized the kingdom of heaven by force, even as the Holy Gospel said on Matthew (11, 12).  He was strong in body and a mighty man in all his deeds.  He ate, drank, killed, fornicated and no man could stand up before him.  It is said he could eat a whole sheep and drink a skinful of wine at a sitting.