Saint Enbamarina

August, 2022

Greetings to you Dear Children of God and gratitude to Almighty God! Children, how are you? How are you spending this Fast of our Holy Mother Saint Mary? We hope you fasting and going to Church for the Divine liturgy with your family within these fifteen days!

Dear Children fasting helps to be pass all the hardship in our lives and also make God happy. If our Lord is happy with our deed, he will give us every good present and take us to heaven at the end of our lives. ok, Good! Children, today we are going to tell you the story about Saint Enbamarina. So be with us!

Saint Enbamarina was the daughter of a man, who was very rich. He was a Christian. Her parents fist named her Marina. Her mother died when she was a little girl, and her father brought her up with good teaching until she became a woman. Then he wanted to get married because he decided to become a monk in one of the monasteries of the desert of Scete.  But, she said to her father, “Why would you save your own soul, and destroy mine?”  And he answered and said to her, “What shall I do with you, seeing that you are a woman?” And she said to him, “O my father, I will take off my woman’s dress, and will put on the garb of a man”; and she rose up straightway, and shaved off the hair of her head and put on the garb of a man.  When her father saw the strength of her will, and the earnestness wherewith she fought to carry out her will, he gave all his possessions to the poor and needy, keeping only a very little for himself, and he changed his daughter’s name from Marina to ‘Enbamarina.

Then, he took her with him and carried her to the desert of Scete.  He went into a certain monastery, and lived in a cave with his daughter for ten years, fighting the spiritual fight. Then her father, who was an old man, died. Saint ‘Enbamarina was left by herself, and she doubled her fasting, prayers and vigil.  The abbot (a man who is the head of of monks) sent the saint, together with three monks, to the city on certain occupation of the monastery, and he did not know that she was a woman. But by reason of the low sound of her voice, which was due to her many severe labors, he thought that she was a young man.  Having departed with the monks, she stayed in a guesthouse with them.

That same night there came one of the king’s soldiers and lodged in that guest house, and he saw the daughter of the master of the house. He then destroyed her virginity, and said to her, “When you father ask you you, ‘What have happened to you?’ say to him, ‘It is the young monk ‘Enbamarina who has destroyed my virginity.’”

Children, this is very disappointing to parents. To make matter worse, the women got pregnant and her father found out about it. So, he asked her saying, “What  has  happened  to  you,  O  my  daughter?   Who has  destroyed  your virginity?”  And she answered and said to him, “It is Enbamarina who has destroyed my virginity.”  Her father rose up, and went to the monastery and began to curse the monks.  When the abbot heard him he asked him, saying, “Who dos you curse the monks, and do not you fear God?”  The man told him what had happened to his daughter, and he said to him, “Enbamarina the monk is he who has destroyed the virginity of my daughter.”  When the abbot heard this, he asked him questions, and the man answered believing that what he said was true.  And the abbot asked the master of the guesthouse, and said to him, “Hide this matter, and do not bring disgrace upon the monks in the eyes of the laity (Christians).”

Then the abbot gathered ‘Enbamarina the monk, rebuked and cursed him. Saint ‘Enbamarina did not know why the abbot cursed her.  When she knew what had happened, she wept and bowed down at the feet of the abbot, and she begged him, saying, “I am young, I have sinned, forgive me my sin.” The abbot was furious with her, and cast her out from the monastery.  This is sad is isn’t it children? Saint Enba Marina was punished for something she didn’t do.

After this she sat outside the door of the monastery until the daughter of the master of the guest house had gave birth her child. The parents of the girl took the child, and brought it to ‘Enbamarina and set it down by her.   she took the child and went  over  to  some  shepherds,  who  were pasturing cattle and sheep. She begged them and for milk and gave the child.

Dear Children, do you see how good woman and strong Saint Enbamarina? Alongside side raising the child pf her enemy and whom she didn’t gave birth too, she increased her fasting, prayers and spiritual fight. She lived outside the gate of the monastery for three years.

Then the monks gathered together, and asked the abbot to have mercy upon ‘Enbamarina, and to bring her into the monastery. So, he brought her in and after punishing her, she joined the monks.  She performed very hard labors, boiled the lentils (type plant), cleaned the cells, took up the dust and ashes and carried them away and cast them outside the monastery, fetched water and she gave the boy to drink. The Child grew up and became a monk. When four days were fulfilled for Saint ‘Enbamarina in that monastery, she was sick for three days, and then died in peace.

When the abbot knew that ‘Enbamarina was dead, he commanded the monks to blow a trumpet before they buried her.  But, they removed her clothing, and found that she was a woman, all the monks cried out, saying, “God have mercy upon us”; They admired and glorified God. then they informed the abbot what had happened.  The abbot came and looked upon her and marveled, and he wept because of what he had done to her.  He called upon the master of the guest house and told him that ‘Enbamarina was a woman, and took him to see on his own eyes. When he saw her and wondered; then the abbot prayed over and they wrapped her up, weeping, and singing psalms and hymns. They had prayed for her blessing while burring her.

Dear Children, see what happened! God commanded a certain Satan, and he took the daughter of the master of the guesthouse, and the young man who had destroyed her virginity.  He tormented them until he brought them to her grave, where they confessed their sin before all the people. Then numerous miracles and wonders were made manifest at Saint Enbamarina’s grave.

Children, the story of Saint Enbamarina teaches us faith, righteousness (good heart and good deed) diligence (hard work in fasting and praying) and patience. This is very exemplary story and you should also memorize it and tell others as well, Good!

Ok, dear children, we have finished for today. Stay well and good till we meet for next time!

May God be with us all, Amen!