The Holy and Apostolic Father Abba Athanasius

Abba Athanasius was the son of heretical and pagan parents.One day he saw Christian’s children performing the Ordinances of the Church as they were playing together.some were priests, some deacons and one of them they made archbishop.Athanasius asked the Christian children to let him join them in the game they were playing, but they stopped him and said to him, You are a pagan and you would not be amongst us.”Then He said to them,“I will become a Christian.”so, they rejoiced and placed a seat like a throne under him and began to bow down before him…

The Birth Day of Saint Mary

Our Holy Mother, the pure two-fold Virgin Saint Mary, the God-bearer through whom became the salvation of the human race was born on May 9.  

Miskaye Hizunan Medehanialem Monastery

It was named as “Meskaye Hizunan Medhanialem Monastery” and erected on May 5, 1943 at the former Bethsaida Haile Selassie I Hospital (now known as Yekatit 12).

Feast of Conception

The festival of the Annunciation which was made to our Holy Mother Virgin Mary, by the honorable Angel Gabriel is celebrated in our Holy Church on April 7.

Commemorating the Crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ

The Redeemer Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on April 5 to whom is praised in amongst all Christians for He gave His life for our salvation. He suffered much to cleanse our soul and sacrificed himself upon the cross willingly for saving mankind.

The Elevation of The Holy Cross

The day the glorious Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ to Whom be praise, appeared twice; the first time through the Empress Helena, the mother of Constantine, the righteous emperor occurred on March 19.

The Departure of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus

Our Righteous father Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus lived 100 years in solitude in Lake Ziquala, praying for Ethiopia. He also lived in the desert escorted by 60 lions and 60 tigers that served him. The saint lived 300 years in Egypt and 262 in Ethiopia with a total life span of 562 years on earth and died on March 14.

The Covenant of Mercy

Our Holy Lady Mary, the two-fold Virgin, the God- bearer, for on it He gave her the Covenant of Mercy and she received it from her Son, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, in respect of him that should celebrate her commemoration, or should call upon her name, or give alms to the poor, even if it were only [a cup of] cold water on February 23.

Soldiers of God

Christians are God’s soldier along with Saint Angels. Beginning the creation of the world, Mankind was intended to live for the Glory of God in worship severing his Lord. The work of God being all in intent, His will in the creation of man is as similar as Saint Angles.

Feasts of Saint Virgin Mary

The assumption of the body of our pure, holy, and honorable Holy Virgin Mary, the God-bearer, who is indeed the Lady of all the women of this world, took place on January 29.