Return to Galilee!
Return to Galilee
free dove be thee!
For your enemy deceased
come home; you’re endorsed!
Return to Galilee
free dove be thee!
For your enemy deceased
come home; you’re endorsed!
The Holiday of which Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for the salvation of the world, is feast of all Christians. The Holy Bible mentioned that: “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land.” (Matthew 27:45) The sun had hidden its light when it saw its creator incarnated, hanging with His own free will on the wood of the Cross, inclined His head, and yielded up His spirit.
Righteous give their lives to the “Love of God” ridiculing the world, undermining corporal needs and defeating the enemy. Their heart’s desire is in keeping His will to be beneath the law and serve Him. They crave to be His children and live in His kingdom for eternity. For this, their earthly lives are filled with hardships, obstacles and sorrowfulness. They seek not a worldly happiness, wealth or fame. They give in anything that apart them from their spirituality and in reaching their Lord.
In the history of righteous people in scripted in holy scriptures synaxarium and hagiographies, the story of the two virginal grooms of Christ who departed in the same day Tikmet 14 (October 25) are our Fathers Abune Aregawi and Saint Gabra Christos.
The remarkable and astonishing life of chosen children of God is most commemorated in their departure day. After their exhausting and tremendous diligence, perseverance and triumph of evil, Saints depart to the heavens by the praise of Angels in glory and inherit the Kingdom of God.
Our country has welcomed most celebrated and prominent Saints who has suffered much for the salvation of us, performed many miraculous, plead and made prostration for we would not even see the glimpse of fire of hell. Ethiopians celebrate our Righteous father Abune Geber Menfese Qidus in his departure day Tikimet 5 E.C. (October 16 G.C.)
It is a feast day
For us on holy day
Sing a song in appraisal
Call its name, be delightful
Let’s praise the day!
The Cross entered today
Ethiopia’s feast day
Celebrate the holy day!
At the center of our Christian life is the sacrifice of the Cross when God the Father offered His Only Son for the salvation and redemption of mankind. As such the true meaning of the Cross is sacrificial love, from here comes its true power in the life of the believer.
Dear Children of God, how are you? How was the celebration of New year holiday feast? Hope you have spent it with joy and happiness with your family and beloved ones! Are you getting ready for the new year education? Those who have got poor grades must study much for the better result in this year for the success of your future and contentment (happiness) of your family.
Dear Children of God, you might remember our last year’s lessons on different issues and acquired some knowledge. And for now, we will teach you about the celebrations of Church Feasts and our role in them.
The creator of time and all creation, the Almighty God who bestows eras with His mercy, has enrich us another new year, for we have transpired from the Year of Luke to the Year of John! Gratitude be to God!
In Hebrew “Rafa’El” means “It is God who has healed.” The Holy Archangel Raphael is an angel who provides healing to the earth and to its inhabitants. He is celebrated, by the Church, primarily on Pagumen 3 (September 8). Saint Raphael cares for the convalescence of the ill, serves as the unseen guide for those who are travelling diligently with important chores. He is the protector of weddings and conjugal love.
Our patron Father Abune Tekle Haymanot is the most prominent saint in Ethiopia. He is one of the very few, if not the only human on earth given wings! It is good to note here that saint Tekle Haymanot is one of the very few saints that Christians celebrate their birthday. He is probably the only Ethiopian saint celebrated officially in foreign churches such as Egypt and Rome. He has a monthly feast on the 24th day of every month in the Ethiopian calendar (which is the same as the Coptic calendar and derived from it). He performs many miracles daily in the lives of his children and we commemorate it in holy church. (Coptic Synaxarium)