Qusquam: Feast of the Holy Family

Qusquam in Arabic is the name of mountain in Upper Egypt on which the monastery and Holy Church of Al- Muharraka are still standing. The Monastery marks where the Holy Family is said to have dwelt during their exile in Egypt. The Homily of Theophilus compares the Holy Mountain in Egypt with the Holy mountain of Zion and Refers to Mary as “Mary of Zion.”

The Exodus of Saint Mary and Lord Jesus Christ

Saint Mary and Lord Jesus Christ’s exodus to and from Egypt as well as Ethiopia, is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. It is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew and in New Testament apocrypha. Soon after the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him. Later, after Herod’s death, Lord Jesus’ family departed Egypt for Nazareth where they made their home.

The Sanctioning of the True Cross and the Council of Nicaea

“Gishen Debre Kerbe” is one of the ancient, most sacred monasteries in Ethiopia which popularly known as the second Jerusalem. It’s set at elevation of 3,019 meter above sea level in Ambasel woreda some 80 kilo meters northwest of Dessie, Wollo and 480 km north of Addis Ababa. The cross-shaped mountain of Gishen is home to four churches: Gishen Maryam, Saint Gabriel, Saint Michael and God, the Holy Father (Egziabher Ab)…

The First Ecumenical Council

Pursuing the reign of Emperor Constantine in Nicomedia, the eastern capital after his victory of over Licinus, he was chagrined to learn of his new controversy that was troubling the whole Eastern Church by Arius, was a protopresbyter of the Church of Alexandria…

Feast of the Holy Cross at Meskel Square

This year’s Festivity for the elevation of the Holy cross was celebrated at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa at the presence of religious fathers along with the participation of only 5,000 people to prevent the Spreading of Corona Virus.

The Elevation of the Venerable Holy Cross

The True Cross of Lord Jesus Christ is the symbol of victory and salvation, an object of special veneration…

Feast of Prophet and God-seer Moses

The Prophet and God-seer Moses whose name is “one who draws forth,” or “is drawn from,” that is, from the water-was the pinnacle of the lovers of wisdom, the supremely wise lawgiver, the most ancient historian of all. He was of the tribe of Levi, the son of Amram and Jochabed.

Ethiopian New Year

Kismet, we have reached yet another new year! We shall embrace the will of God. On September 1st, Holy Church rejoices  the beginning of the year named after one of the evangelist Saint Matthew; Reminding the naming of each year in the Ethiopian calendar by the four Evangelists: Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke and Saint John; also in remembrance and honor the role of the Evangelists in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their writings and sermons.

“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11)

…But then Lord Jesus told them about no one had been greater than John the Baptist. “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist” After the messengers left, the Lord said to the people who were with him. (Matthew 11:11)

The Feast of the Archangel Raphael

One of the most important miracles of Saint Raphael is commemorated on the third day of Pagumen. The miracle is related to a Church dedicated to the archangel and is said to have been constructed on an island outside the city of Alexandria in Egypt. It is said that the church was threatened to be demolished by a whale and started shaking whilst the believers were praying inside the church. It was later saved miraculously by the Archangel Raphael.