The Birth of Abune Tekele Haimanot

January 1, 2021

The righteous father Abune Tekle Haymanot was born in Zorare, a district in Selale which lies on the eastern edge of Shewa and place called Itisa, from a Priest Tsega Zeab or “Gift of Faith” and his wife Egzi’e Haraya to mean “Choice of God” on January 2, 1220. Tekle Haimanot was born after his parents, who had failed to have children and pledged their firstborn to God.

In Abune Tekle Haimanot’s youth hood, Shewa was subject to a number of devastating raids by Matolomi, the pagan king of Damot, which lay beyond the Jamma River. One of Matolomi’s most notorious predations was the raid which led to the abduction of Egzi’e Haraya; she is said to have been reunited with Tsega Zeab through the intercession of the Archangel Michael when Matolomi found out that they were escaping he threw a spear who turned from them to his direction and killed him. There are several traditions like that one, some of less historical value than others, which describe Tekle Haimanot’s interactions with King Matolomi. His father gave Tekle Haimanot their earliest religious instruction; later he was ordained a priest by the Egyptian Bishop Cyril known as Kirollos in Coptic.

Abune Tekle Haimanot’s name is driven from two words “Tekle” or its English equivalent word “Plant” and “Haimanot” meaning “Religion.” “Plant” indicates fruitful wood, tree, spice, herb, edible, fragrant, herbicides and law.  “Religion” is to believe and acknowledging the existence of God, the creator of all, the Unity and Trinity of God and the intercession of the Saints.

The book entitled “Gedele Tekle Haimanot” translates the name of the righteous as the Plant of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” On the third day of their birth, on a Sunday, at nine o’clock in the morning, he came down from his mother’s arms and said, “One Holy Son, The one True Spirit, One Father is Holy, One Son is holy, One is Holy Spirit is Holy.” His parents gave them the name “Fish Tsion” and “Tekle Haimanot” was given to them by God’s angel Saint Michael. At the age of 15, he became Deacon and received Priesthood from the Egyptian bishop, Abba Gerlos at the age of 22.

One day when Abune Tekle Haimanot went hunting in the forest, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ appeared to him. HE told him that his name shall be called “New apostle” for he would send him to a place where the gospel had not be preached.  Later on, Saint Michael told him about the authority his given to cast out demons and perform miracles; it is then that He told him his name shall be called “Tekle Haimanot” and explained him its meaning.

Abune Tekle Haimanot returned to his house and gave all his belongings to the Church and the poor; and say, “Lord Jesus Christ! Behold, I leave my house to you and open it for you shall open the door of heaven for me.” Since then, he has traveled throughout Ethiopia, preaching the gospel and performing miracles, making many nations to worship God. He has converted pagans form worshiping witches to worshiping God; He also built Church where he is called “New Apostles” to mean missionaries who teach the New Testament or the Gospel and do many miracles by the name of Lord of Jesus of Christ.

Abune Tekle Haimanot devoted himself to God his entire life, despised this world and armed like a farmer. He lived in solitude, fasting and prayer. Like the Holy Apostles, he preached the Gospel throughout Ethiopia, miraculously healing the sick in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His feast is commemorated on the 2nd of January.

May his intersession be with all of us: Amen!

Source: “Gedele Abune Tekle Haimanot”