“There has never been nor ever be another like you” (1 Kings 3:12)

No King has ever risen as wise as King Solomon in the History of earthly Kingdom. His Legacy was grand for His dynasty spread all over Egypt and Palestine. His wealth measured with Diamonds, Gold and Silvers.

Feast of Archangel Saint Michael

This  feast  started  by  order  and  all  the  people  of  the  districts  (in  Egypt) celebrated it in honor of the glorious Archangel Saint Michael to his honour above all the angels, to his greatness and the archangel performed many miracles….

Saint Lalibela

The blessed and pure seer of the mysteries of heaven Lalibela (surnamed Gebre Meskel), King of Ethiopia died on June 19. The parents of this Saint having begotten him, they raised him with the trepidation of God.  At the age of his adulthood, he arrived at man’s estate.  His elder brother who was a king heard of his inheritance of the kingdom. He sits upon his throne, jealous.  He then sent and called him. When Saint Lalibela came, stood up before him and contrived a matter against him. After that, he commanded his servants to beat him with very many stripes, from the third hour of the day to the ninth hour.

Saint Claudius, The martyr

Saint Claudius, the martyr, was a kinsman of kings and a victor in battle.  This Saint fought a good fight and received an honorable crown of martyrdom in the kingdom of the heavens before his death on June 18.  He rejected the glory of this fleeting world and inherited the everlasting heavenly grace. 

Prophet Samuel

The Great Prophet Samuel died on June 16 which is commemorated in Holy Church. The name of the father of this Saint was “Elkanah,” of the tribe of Levi, and of the family of Aaron the priest. The name of his mother was Hanna and she was barren. Because of her prayer and entreaty to God at all times, He gave her this Prophet, and she raised him up in her house for three years.


Pentecost, the feast on which the Holy Spirit descended like tongues of fire upon the Holy Apostles and other disciples of our Lord in the Upper Room is celebrated on June 12. In the Book of Acts is said, “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come; they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1-4)

Saint Amette Christos

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and gratitude to Almighty God!

Children, how are you? We hope you are well and good!

Today we are going to tell you the story about Saint Amette Christos. So be with us!

The Ascension of Lord Jesus Christ

In His divinity, He is everywhere; He does not ascend nor descend. In the Liturgy of Saint Gregory we say “And You ascended into the heavens in the body.” This ascension is evidence that His Glorified Body is not subject to the earth’s gravitational laws and also of His Divinity. He ascended before His disciples as they were watching. This scene strengthened their faith because the Lord not only resurrected using His Divine power, but He also ascended into heaven in front of them.

Exodus of Saint Mary and Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ came to the land of Egypt on June 1 when He was two years old. The Angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Rise up, take the child and His mother, and depart to the land of Egypt and remain there until I tell you.” (Matthew 2:13)

Feasts of Debre Mitmaq

All Christian communities celebrate the festival of the appearance in public of our Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary, in ‘Debre Mitmaq’ May 26 as she was seated upon light, in a circle, in the Church, which was built in her name.