“Before God, I do not lie” (Galatians 1:20)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is school? Are you studying well and following you’re your teacher’s education? We hope you are doing well in your study! Children, it is very important to be active and attentive at your school so that you could become a good and brave students passing all your exams with very good grades. This will help you to have a bright future and be successful when you grow up.

Dear Children of God! The foremost valuable thing you should know about success is that it is given from God. If you obey the Lord by being good children without any bad deed and sin, He will give you good life. This means you will be happy, rich and strong person in the future. But, it is important to remember to obey God’s commandment and live by His rule. Children, do you remember the ten commandments? If so that is very good. But if not, it is a better if you learn them soon because they are guidance of our lives. However, if you do not know them, it is probable that you make a mistake and sin (do bad deeds) and disappoint (sadden) God.

Dear Children, we believe by now you know that God does not like bad deeds and people. It is necessary to always remember this and know If you are bad, He will punish you. Children, among other sins God does not like lying or people who lie. Do you know why that is? It is because lying is bad and a wrong thing. It is also disobeying God. Saint Paul the apostle has written in his epistle (letter) to the Galatia people “now concerning the things which I write to you, indeed, before God, I do not lie.” (Galatians 1:20) That is why today we will teach you about “Lie” which is a sin.”

Works of Mercy

Merciful as He is, God has granted us yet another new year, “The Year of Luke” for we can rinse out our vices entirely. We have added one more year to our lifetime and getting older by the day walking towards the end of earthly life. It is today that we shall realize the mystery of salvation and acknowledge the path to heavenly kingdom. Our destiny shall be shade by God’s mercy for we are His children.

All in the name of Lord Jesus Christ shall be merciful as He taught us saying, “blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:7) Patristic fathers teach about the two categories of works of mercy, “Corporal works of mercy” and “Spiritual works of mercy”

Fast of the Ascension of Saint Mary

Onwards the death of our Holy Mother Saint Mary, the Apostles continued to be sad and sorrowful, because of her separation from them. Because they were left orphans by her; for our Lord had given them the hope of seeing her in the flesh.

Whilst John the evangelist was preaching in the country of Asia, on the sixteenth day of the month of August he was caught up in the spirit to the Garden of Delight, and he saw our Lord Jesus Christ sitting by the Tree of Life, where was the body of our Lady Mary. He then commanded His Seven Angels to summon her from earth….

The Great Fast- Part Two

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and gratitude to Almighty God!

Children, how are you? We hope you are well!

Do you remember what we learned last time? We taught you about The Great Fast and its weeks ‘Zewerede, Holy, Mekurab and The Impotent Man.’

Today we will continue from the fourth week ‘Debereziet’ until ‘Hossana.’ So follows us attentively!

The Great Fast

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and gratitude to Almighty God!

Children, how are you? We hope you are well!

Today we are going to teach you about “The Great Fast.”


Ge‘ez, is a South Semitic language that survived as a spoken language in what is now Ethiopia and Eritrea until sometime between 900 and 1200 and remains in use as a liturgical language to this day. In its earliest form, the Ge’ez script was an abjad, or writing system consisting only of consonants; by the 4th century the script had developed into an abugida, or alphasyllabary, a writing system in which each symbol represents a consonant-vowel combination. Ge‘ez literature is dominated by religious texts, and this is reflected in the collection of manuscripts at the Fisher, which includes prayer books, a Psalter, a hagiography of Abuna Gabra Manfas Qeddus, and a life of Jesus Christ.

“Giving honor to the wife that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7)

Marriage is the basic unit of society in all biblical cultures. The Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18)

“Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22)

Marriage is a Mystery that belongs to an entirely different order than the mere union of a man and woman. It basically regards a husband and wife as symbols of another marriage; namely, the marriage of Lord Jesus and the Church: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord…therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

The Significance of Church Liturgy

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and Glory to God above all!

Children! On our previous lesson, we have learned what Church Liturgy means remember? On this week lesson, we will learn about the significance of Liturgy, so be with us!

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser” (Proverb 9:9)

In scripted in the Holy Book the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ’s explained about wisdom; He said, “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.”