The Conception of Saint Mary

August 11, 2023

The mother of our virgin Saint Mary Anne was born in Bethlehem in Judaea. She married Joachim. They were righteous people in front of God. Joachim reproached at the Temple for his sterility, retreated into the countryside to pray, while Anne, grieved by his disappearance and by her barrenness, solemnly promised God that, if given a child, she would dedicate it to the Lord’s service. They prayed earnestly asking God to grant them a child. They shared a wealthy and devout life at Nazareth.

One day, they both received the vision of an angel, who announced that Anne would conceive and bear a most wondrous child. This was on Nehasse 7. Six years after they were married, they had Mary. The couple rejoiced at the birth of their daughter, whom Anne named Mary which means “Royal Incense” because she would become a special offering to God. They knew that she was a special gift from God.

When Saint Mary was three years old, Joachim and Anne, in fulfillment of her divine promise, brought Mary to the Temple of Jerusalem, where they left her to be brought up. Saint Mary, lived for 9 years in the temple then had to be cared for outside the temple. The canes of her male relatives collected for God’s choice, Joseph’s cane budded.

May Saint Mary’s intercession be with us, Amen!