About Mahibere Kidusan
The association was named Mahibre Kidusan (an association in the name of Saints) Saints would be commemorated in that they abounded the secular world and sacrificed their lives to the orthodox belief for whom the prophets prophesized and apostles evangelized.
In 1977 E.C (Ethiopian Calendar) few students of higher education initiated the youth in the compass to become members of Sunday school and know the teachings of the churches. Later, this effort had been strengthened by students trained in the Zeaway Hamere Berehan St.Gebreil Clergy Training Monastery by the Then Arch Bishop of Shewa Abune Gorgorious II.
The movements continued in Bilatie military camp that brought all students of higher institutions in the country in 1983 E.C after a year, with the blessing of the church fathers the associations was set up by the name “Mahibre Kidusan” under the Sunday School Department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Since then the associations has been proving spiritual service.
“Envisioning the Church fulfill its universal leadership role.”
Fructify and procure an organized, whole, eloquent, moderate, versatile and leader generation who strives in achieving the church’s mission and diligently work for her existence.
Institutional Asset
The association shall not interfere in administrative affairs of the church and it is free from and political affiliation.
- Disciples who trained in various training institution of the church and providing ministerial activity.
- Higher institution students attending Sunday in their respective parishes.
- Member of Sunday school or/and parish that provide spiritual service after graduating from higher institution.
- The laity who support the objective of the association with their knowledge, money and labor.
Mahiber Kidusan is set under the Sunday School department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It provides spiritual services by its sub centers in the dioceses all over the country and in the Diaspora.
Saint Enbamarina
Greetings to you Dear Children of God and gratitude to Almighty God! Children, how are you? How are you spending this Fast of our Holy Mother Saint Mary? We hope you fasting and going to Church for the Divine liturgy with your family within these fifteen days!
Dear Children fasting helps to be pass all the hardship in our lives and also make God happy….ok, Good! Children, today we are going to tell you the story about Saint Enbamarina. So be with us!
Feast of Mount Tabor
Holy Church celebrates the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ and how His appearance was changed on Mount Tabor, when there were with Him three of His disciples, that is to say, Peter, James and John. Concerning them Our Lord said, “There stand here those who shall not taste death until they see the Son of God and of man coming in His glory.” This is the glory wherein the Apostles saw Him.
The Conception of Saint Mary
On the blessed day of August 7 (E.C) God sent the great angel Gabriel, and he spoke to Joachim the righteous man, saying, “Behold, thy wife Hannah shall conceive, and she shall bear thee a daughter, and in her shall be joy and salvation for all the world”; which actually took place through Mary, the bearer of God in the flesh.
The Mercy of God
Mercy is one of God’s qualities and the merciful one bears a His likeness. It was said about God “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins. Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy towards those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:8-12)
Fast of the Ascension of Saint Mary
Onwards the death of our Holy Mother Saint Mary, the Apostles continued to be sad and sorrowful, because of her separation from them. Because they were left orphans by her; for our Lord had given them the hope of seeing her in the flesh.
Whilst John the evangelist was preaching in the country of Asia, on the sixteenth day of the month of August he was caught up in the spirit to the Garden of Delight, and he saw our Lord Jesus Christ sitting by the Tree of Life, where was the body of our Lady Mary. He then commanded His Seven Angels to summon her from earth….