About Mahibere Kidusan
The association was named Mahibre Kidusan (an association in the name of Saints) Saints would be commemorated in that they abounded the secular world and sacrificed their lives to the orthodox belief for whom the prophets prophesized and apostles evangelized.
In 1977 E.C (Ethiopian Calendar) few students of higher education initiated the youth in the compass to become members of Sunday school and know the teachings of the churches. Later, this effort had been strengthened by students trained in the Zeaway Hamere Berehan St.Gebreil Clergy Training Monastery by the Then Arch Bishop of Shewa Abune Gorgorious II.
The movements continued in Bilatie military camp that brought all students of higher institutions in the country in 1983 E.C after a year, with the blessing of the church fathers the associations was set up by the name “Mahibre Kidusan” under the Sunday School Department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Since then the associations has been proving spiritual service.
“Envisioning the Church fulfill its universal leadership role.”
Fructify and procure an organized, whole, eloquent, moderate, versatile and leader generation who strives in achieving the church’s mission and diligently work for her existence.
Institutional Asset
The association shall not interfere in administrative affairs of the church and it is free from and political affiliation.
- Disciples who trained in various training institution of the church and providing ministerial activity.
- Higher institution students attending Sunday in their respective parishes.
- Member of Sunday school or/and parish that provide spiritual service after graduating from higher institution.
- The laity who support the objective of the association with their knowledge, money and labor.
Mahiber Kidusan is set under the Sunday School department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It provides spiritual services by its sub centers in the dioceses all over the country and in the Diaspora.
Witnessing Miracle
The human mind cannot comprehend a miracle, since it is the extraordinary phenomena. But it is the will of God to witness it in our lives as well as in others. Within this manner, we understand that it is God who does the miracles upon each of us as it is written in Psalm 77, “Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders.” (Psalm 77:13-14) In the Second Canticle of the Midnight Praises, Psalm 136 (135), we praise God “Who alone does great wonders.”
The miracle that is from God has is essential since it supports the true faith. Many teach strange beliefs and support their teachings with miracles to dazzle people. This is the main role of the Anti-Christ: to introduce new teachings that contradict the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and he uses true miracles to support his false teachings. Therefore, if one concentrates on the factuality of the miracle, then it is easy for him to accept new teachings, since he will see the miracle as a fact, for example fire coming down from heaven or an image moving and speaking. However, if one concentrates on faith, then he will reject the teachings that contradict the true faith, even if they were supported by tens of miracles.
The miracle, which is from God, has a primary goal: to lead people to the true faith. The secondary goal of a miracle is an act of mercy towards a needy person, whether it is a sick person or someone in trouble, and God may save such a person in a miraculous way. As for the miracles that are for exhibition and dazzling people, they are not from God. Therefore, when we hear of a miracle, we should examine not only the factuality of it, but also more importantly whether it is from God or Satan.
Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus
Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was an Egyptian Christian saint, and the founder of the monastery of Zuqualla. The fifth day of every month in the Ethiopian calendar is dedicated to this saint. The reason for his commemoration on the 5th date of every Ethiopian month is: • His The entry of the saint from Egypt to Ethiopia;
• The day on which he went out from the lake where he received the covenant from God;
• The day on which he raised the dead lions;
• The first mass of his church built in his name
Wells without water
There were false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.
Saint Arsema
Dear Children of God! how are you? how was holiday? We hope it was all good and well for you and your parents! Children as the ‘Summer’ season has passed, we started the new season ‘Autumn’ which is filled with the bloom of flowers. It is also the time of the commemoration of the migration of Holy Mother Saint Mary and her baby Jesus, our Lord to the land of Egypt the and Ethiopia.Children! you might have seen your parents and other Christians coming from Holy Church carrying red, rose, white and other combined colors of flowers in this season. This is because we symbolize Saint Mary and Lord Jesus with flowers. It has its own story and so we might tell it to you another time. But for now, we will tell you the story about Saint Arsema, so be with us!
The Exodus of Saint Mary and Lord Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to the land of Egypt when He was a two years old child, as the Bible says in Matthew 2:13 that the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”