Liturgical Worship

Part Two

December 29, 2022

Liturgy of Fast


Fast is abstaining from food and drinks specifically meat and egg items also milk products for the given period of time. In our Christian life, Fasting is a hunger and thirst we bestow to God for our love of Him as Prophet David said, “Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling”  (Psalm 2:11) It is an endeavor we diligent with and the depiction of our Christianity. Fasting is also the strength that aids us through the obstacles we face in our spiritual life and liberate ourselves from enemy scam and defeat the devil.

All in the name Christianity shall fast the Seven Chronicle fast which are, The Great Fats, The Fast of Salvation (Wednesday and Friday), The Fast of Nineveh, Fasting of Revelation (Fast of eve of Birth of Christ and Epiphany), Fast of Prophet, Fast of Apostles and Exodus of Saint Mary., we ought to know and recognize them the fast and these periods.

Fast’s Liturgy 

Throughout the periods of fasting, the deeds we perform are the indications of our Christian endeavors. Alongside keeping the seven period of fast, it is of the essence to attend the Church for prayer, be part of the Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion. Though these deeds are what we shall perform in our daily routine, during the fasting season, they help us to for the deliverance of our prayer, fasting and deeds.  It is better to be diligent in bowing and alms giving.

Fasting that is done with prayer and bowing is delivered and accepted before God. Thus, it does not only grant us mercy and salvation, but blessing. Accord, our work, service and Marriage will also be blessed.

The Liturgy of Alms Giving

Alms giving is “Anything given gratuitously to relieve the poor, as money, food, or clothing, otherwise called charity.” (King James Bible) Wise King Solomon explains, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.” (Psalm 19:17)

These words of wise Solomon, teach us the value of alms giving to the poor where is necessary to have mercy and sympathy.  Prophet Isiah explains how God loves alms giving more than scarification. He said, “On a high and lofty mountain You have made your bed. You also went up there to offer sacrifice.” (Isiah 57:7)

Saint John the Baptist also said, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” (Luke 3:11) It is a Christian deed to share what we have with others. We shall give one bread for a hunger man if we have two. Share our food and drinks with others so that they would not starve to death. We shall dress those who are bare and help those in need.

The Liturgy of Prostration to God 

Prostration to God is the act of bending, curving, being inflected; in tokening of reverence, respect or civility; often with down. (King James Bible)

Prostration or Bowing before God is showing our respect, love and honor we have for Him. as Lord Jesus Christ said, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve” we shall bow for God.   (Luke 4:8)

Holy Church teaches her children to worship God and bow for Him saying “we bow once for The Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit.” People in exemplary to angels, we bow with fear and honor.

The Worshiping or Prostration of God

Prostration of God shall be done in a clean place or Holy Church in front of Holy Icon of God. Our mind and heart shall be clean from any evil thought and with fear of God bending totally till our four head touches the ground.  When we bow we shall say, “I bow for Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit. Parise to Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you for grating us, blessing, power, save guarding us till this time by His mercy and leading us with His light.  ”

Furthermore, we praise saying “Hallelujah to Holy Father, Hallelujah Holy Son and Hallelujah Spirit.; Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Alpha and Omega.”