Palm Sunday

Orthodox Christians around the world begin Passion Week with Hosanna; Palm Sunday. In the Gospel of Saint John Lord and Savior Jesus Christ exultant Entrance into ancient Jerusalem is in scripted as, ‘The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast of Passover heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!” Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written, “Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your King is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.” (Saint John 12:12-15)

Feast of Conception

The festival of the Annunciation which was made to our Holy Mother Virgin Mary, by the honorable Angel Gabriel is celebrated in our Holy Church on April 7.

The Elevation of The Holy Cross

The day the glorious Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ to Whom be praise, appeared twice; the first time through the Empress Helena, the mother of Constantine, the righteous emperor occurred on March 19.

The Covenant of Mercy

Our Holy Lady Mary, the two-fold Virgin, the God- bearer, for on it He gave her the Covenant of Mercy and she received it from her Son, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, in respect of him that should celebrate her commemoration, or should call upon her name, or give alms to the poor, even if it were only [a cup of] cold water on February 23.

Covenant of Mercy

Beloved Children of God, Greetings to you and gratitude to Almighty God!

Dear Children, how are you? We hope you are well and good!

Today we are going to teach about the Covenant of Mercy who is our Holy Mother Saint Mary.

The Feeding of Five Thousand

The Gospel of the feeding of the  five thousand men may seem to be nothing more than a simple miracle story but is so much more. There are many layers of meaning, and depending on the level of our emptiness, that is, our openness and willingness, we receive what we at any given time are capable of receiving.

Feast of Archangel Saint Uriel

The Archangel Saint Uriel is often portrayed by the angel of light and peace as his name means “God is my light” or “Fire of God.” Saint Uriel shines the light of God’s truth in a dark world. His feast day of  designation is on January 30. 

Feasts of Saint Virgin Mary

The assumption of the body of our pure, holy, and honorable Holy Virgin Mary, the God-bearer, who is indeed the Lady of all the women of this world, took place on January 29.

Feasts of Martyr Saint George

…After this they took Saint George, boiled him in a brass cauldron, and then threw him out into the desert on January 26….

Feasts of Saint Cyriacus and Julitta

Saint Cyriacus and Julitta his mother, and eleven thousand four hundred and thirty-four men in the days of Alexander, the governor became martyred on January 23.