Feast of Circumcision of Lord Jesus Christ

Holy church celebrates the commemoration of the circumcision of the Lord Christ, to Whom is the glory on Tir 6 (January 14). God had ordained the law of circumcision as a sign that His people would become a particular people over all others. This was that every male of the seed of Abraham be circumcised on the eighth day of his birth. God put every soul that did not obey this law under judgement.

“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy” (Luke 2:10)

Dear Children of God, how are you? How are you welcoming the feast of Lord Jesus Christ’s Birth day? We hope you are getting ready to celebrate it with your family, neighbors and friends. Though it is the time for holiday, you must also be prepared for the mid semester exam and study hard. You shall read more and understand well the courses and notes that your teacher taught you. We hope you do well in your exams and pass all of them.

Dear Children, as education is practical knowledge, you have to make use of what your teacher teaches you every day in school to be a good student, child and citizen. If so, it will help you to be good for others and make God happy. You will become generous, kind, intelligent and have love for people. Good children! Today we will tell you the story of “The Birth day of Lord Jesus Christ.”

Feast of Abune Tekele Himanot

On April Megabit 24 (Abune 2) Tekele Haimnaot was conceived and born on Tahisas 24 (January 2). He then praise God saying, “The One Father is Holy, the one Son is Holy, the one Spirit is Holy.”

Priest Tsegazeab and Egizihareya named their son “Fisha Tsion” to mean “The happiness of Zhion.” They raised blessed child with church education and under the law of God. Then one day, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to him and chose him to preach holy gospel, as an apostle. He also changed his name to “Tekele Haimanot” which means “The plant of religion, The plant of holy Father, plant of Holy Son, Plant of holy spirit.”

“The Angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them” (Psalm 34:7)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is school and your study? Hope you are doing well being active and attentive at your school. You need to listen to your teacher’s lesson they teach in the classroom and study it when you are home. You must also have a good behavior, be obedient and respect your teachers as well as your elders.

Dear Children! Do you remember our lesson about the seven Archangels? If so, good! we are going to tell you the story of Saint Gabriel and the three youths.

The Entrance of Saint Mary in the Temple

We commemorate the entrance of our Holy Mother Saint Mary into the Temple when she was three years old, for she was dedicated to God on Tahisas 3 (December 12).

The Ark of the Covenant

Every year all in the name of the Orthodox Tewahedo religion celebrates the day of which the Ark of the Covenant came to Ethiopia and the feast of Holy Mother Saint Mary as Zion symbolizes Her on Hidar 21 (November 30). The entire Orthodox Church named in the name of Saint Mary celebrates the feast in the commemoration of The Ark of the Covenant (the Tablet) with respect to our Holy Mother as she is the temple of God and His law transferred in-scripted by His Holy hands on each of the two tablet that prophet Mosses received in the Mount of Sinai.

The Festival of Archangel Michael

Holy Church celebrates the feast of the honored Archangel Michael, the head of the hosts of heaven, who stands at all times before the great throne of God, interceding on behalf of the human race on November 21 (Hidar 12).

The Festival of the Four Beasts

Christians celebrate the festival of the Four Quadrupeds on November 17, (Hidar 8) who have no bodies and which are the Wheels of God that bear His Divine Throne according to the testimony concerning them by Saint John the evangelist in his Vision.

Quskuam Mariam

Every year on November 15 (Hidar 6), the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church commemorates the return of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with His Mother Saint Mary, Joseph and Salome from their exodus to Egypt where to their home land Israel, following the period of three years and six months where they rest in Mount Qusquam. This was according to the order that the angel of God to Joseph informing him about the death of King Herold.

The Sacrificed Lamb!

Lord Jesus Christ become the redeemer

The salvation of men baring all the bitter

He is “The Sacrificed Lamb”

The only man’s savior!