Entries by Hiwot M

“I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God” (Luke 1:19)

The Angels world in the Kingdom of heaven was dark in the primitive creations of God till Archangel Saint Gabriel asserted for the honor and wisdom of God, whilst the deception of Satan, the then angle tempting to be above all. His faith powerful saying, “We shall persist till we realize our Creator” brought all into the light of God, affirmed by His word, “Let it be light.”

Who am I, O Lord GOD that you have brought me this far?” (2 Samuel 7:18-19)

God created humans out of His goodness in order to share His life and even His glory. The God of Christians is a good God, a God of mercy and loving kindness, ‘Who love mankind.’ When we fell into sin, He allowed death to enter our life again out of goodness, so that we may not become immortal in our wickedness, but to seek for a way of salvation.

The Significance of Church Liturgy

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and Glory to God above all!

Children! On our previous lesson, we have learned what Church Liturgy means remember? On this week lesson, we will learn about the significance of Liturgy, so be with us!

Abba Samuel of Waldeba

Abba Samuel was born around 1295 E.C. His father Stephen and mother Ammata Maryam were righteous people. When this holy man was just a child, they took him to Aksum and he grew up learning the Books of the Church.

Saint Arsema

After the death of Saint Arsema and the other martyrs, Their bodies were laid them in a holy place until the days of the persecution were ended on December 15 and a beautiful church was [then] built for them signs and great wonders took place through them.

Weeks of the Prophet’s Fast

The weeks before the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the prophets fast are called are called Sermon, Light, and Nolawi. The weeks before the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the prophets fast are called are called Sermon, Light, and Nolawi. They are the resemblance of the time when prophets pleaded in hope for the salvation of human beings and God’s mercy.

The Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple

Our holy Lady the Virgin Mary, the God-bearer, into the Sanctuary, Temple of Jerusalem, entered the temple when she was three years old and she was the daughter of a vow to God.

Church Liturgy

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and Glory to God!

Children! On our last lesson, we have learned about Prayer at Church. Today, we will learn about the Divine Liturgy! So, follow us attentively!

Feasts of Abune Habtemariam

Holy Father Abune Habtemariam was born in a country east of Raeuye, where there was a kind man named Fre Buruk. He was a very wealthy man, and blessed with a wife, Justina. She is adorned with virtues and works. This kind mother was diligent with fasting, prayer, almsgiving and genuflecting.