The Seven Covenants

Part One

A “covenant” means “an agreement, a promise” or can be “a contract” or “a deal.” It is made by God with people or can be by people with people. Our focus is on the Covenant made by God. Our Lord has made covenants with many of His beloved children, beginning the creation of the heaven and earth. As it is stated in the Book of Psalm, “I have made a covenant with my chosen.” (Psalm 88(89):3)

God’s Divine Intention was His will of creating the world for His glorification and inheritance of Kingdom of heaven. Unfortunate to the first creature, the erstwhile archangel Satan who defied and refused to keep God’s command. The befallen angel’s betrayal has brought the failure of many creatures ensuing the enemy’s mission, that is to be a creator.

The reason for the fall of Adam was also Satan’s venomous scam in becoming the Lord, yet he would never feat. So, he entered in the body of serpent and deceived his ways into capturing not only Adam and Eve but also humans in his devil’s nest. In fulfilling this work of salvation and the will of God, our Holy Orthodox Incarnation Church recognizes the seven covenants.

1.The Covenant of Adam

On wards his much suffering, living in agony and misery, Adam was vowed to be saved from the slavery of Satan. He received a covenant of hope that is said: “I will save you, after being born from your children.” (Clement 2:23)

This covenant was done through the miraculous work of God, through His becoming man by being born from the Virgin Saint Mary after the 5500 years. Just as our Lord vowed to Adam, He came from the heavens and be born from our Holy Mother during the Apostasy Era, to execute the covenant He made for the first mankind.

All whom are called the children of God, live in hope of the covenant of Adam and thus we shall embrace the word and work of God upon the coming time, feast of Lord Jesus Christ’s Birth day, His baptism and crucifixion.

May God’s mercy be upon us, Amen!