One True Church!

The Holy blood shed for her being
It is Him Who bare all the suffering
upon that day of His piercing and torturing
became the world’s redeemer establishing

the only sacred place of His Holy communion
to partake for all the human race’s soul salvation
is the only path paved to our redemption

Onwards the first Church of our Holy Mother
built with three stones without wood, mud and water
in Caledonia of Caesarea by Lord and Savior
then the apostles commanded prayer

and on the Sabbath of His appearance
at Philippians, gathered all the disciple
Saint Mary as the Ark of the Covenant
Saint Peter, the Priest
Archdeacon Stephen, the Saint

which they received the Eucharist
the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ!
finale persisted their praise and glory
with angels of heaven, in harmony!