Good Governance and Church

Part Two

Lack of Good Governance

Dear Family of God! how are you? How have you been the last weeks? May we remind you about our previous topic which was about Good Governance, its theme and the types of Management of Church. We have also seen the un-doubtful significance of good governance for Church. Unfortunate though that our Church is suffering due to lack of Good Governance.

There might be for altered causes and its level might vary, but good governance subsists in every constitution of the Church. On some parts of Addis Ababa and Archdiocese, especially on Parishes and Monasteries, the problem is high.

The Major Causes of Lack of Good Governance

1. Constitutional Constraint

Numerous reasons might be the cause for the lack of good governance. Some of them are attached to the constitution hindering the right to lead and be led by the canonical law and order of the Church. This is caused by lack of knowledge, skill, experience and spirituality. The Constitution of Church is the Management of the religious education, finance, Possession, Human Resources and Development, significant for the administration of the daily activities of Church Liturgy, Canon, Law and Service of servile and the Christian Community. However, this law of the Church is jeopardized by spurious and sham Church Minsters including Archbishops, Bishops and Priests.

The current managerial team is corrupted by falsity, bribe, fame and corporeal comfort. This being the main reason, the tricky and uncanonical order appointment of Archbishops and Bishops, even from the clan of heresies has been encountered in the now a day managerial system leading to betrayal, Division amongst the constitution and demotion.

2. The Limitation of Laities’ Participation

Church is the association of Priests and Laities. For this, laities shall have irreplaceable role in the constitution of the Church. Our Forefathers lead the spiritual and corporeal services measured by the expansion and currency of Christians unluckily exposed by treachery, exploitation and venality hindering the spiritual and developmental growth of Church community. Here, the role of laities is much significant in eradicating the problems and filling the gaps. They have the right to request and inquest when frauds come to authority, betray and commit bribery defying the Law of God and Cannon of the Church. The act of Christians first is associating the services of the Liturgy in participation and support the Patristic Fathers in keeping the constitutional order of the Church. But if defiance is committed, there act stretches out up to confronting the bogus servile upfront in preserving the law of the Church, that might lead to paying scarification of one’s own life or lese endure severe misery.

3. The Interference of Government

Almost all of the governors are unorthodoxy led by corporeal rule only functional for keeping order on worldly matters. The personhood of current leaders is dehumanized for their faith lays as heresies. The lack of Love of God and Church is leading the so called leaders to hatred for the Orthodox Religion and Christian Community which resulted the burning of local churches all over the country and massacre killing of Priests and Christians.

Their evils act has also created wage amongst the ministers of the Church and constructional complications. Not only this, but the rise of racists, frauds, politicians and heresies has brought division in the Church and the country as a whole.

4. The Non-existence of Spiritual Court

The Church does not have a spiritual court to justify servile as well as laities accord her dogma and liturgy. Church Minsters and even higher level servile, are to be judged under the law of God. Saint Paul the Apostle said, “are any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? If then you have judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church to judge? I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers! Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?” (1 Corinthians 6:1-7)

5. The Unjustified Distribution of Authority and Prosperity

This is the base for the good governance. The personhood, capability and spirituality of servile whom are appointed matters abundantly. The appointment, transaction and employment shall be fair in accordance to the law of Church. The recent disorder of constitutional order is the outcome of worldliness, unfairness and bribery.

The issue of prosperity mainly being money, land and possession, has led to inner conflicts, division and fall of management system. Our Church has encountered several calamities due to these inner and external harmful acts of false servile.

Dear Brethren, we have only mentioned in general the predicaments existing in the constitution of the Church hindering good governance. We will continue on this topic next time. Wish you a good week!