Which do you remember?

Dear Children of God! how are you? Glory to God for enriching us from the Year of John to the Year of Matthew! How have you welcomed this new year? We hope you have set good plans and wishes in your spiritual life and education futurity.

Children! it is also vital to understand the importance of church education as we have been notifying you so far. The value of it is not determined by just words but by the action throughout Christianity. Thus, you are to seek, ask and respond within the educational system before your teachers.

Little ones! we have brought you a new type of lesson to know how much you remember the lessons we have been presenting to you until present. It is entitled “Which do you remember?” And in accordance to the questions we have prepared below, you will send us your response on our website address “website.english@eotcmk.org” and “https://t.me/Hiwot122716”

Teketsel Tsige

Teketsel Tsige means “be crowned by flower.” Emperor Gebre Meskel started this feast. The base of this feast is proven in the Book of Leviticus, which states the order of God for the Israelis to celebrate the atonement feast on the tenth month. (Levictus 23:25)


The month of Mesekerem is the time that the Saint John’s father’s departure is commemorated. Mesekerem 8 is the day that the martyrdom of Priest Zechariah in the hands of King Herod.

The First Month

The First Month of the Ethiopian Liturgical Year is known as “Mesekerem.” The Amharic word “Mesekerem,” is derived from two Geeze words “Meseyae,” and “Kereme.” When we define these words separately, they give the following meanings. The first word “Meseyae” is defined as “becoming dark, evening.” And the second one is “Kereme,” meaning rain. Then, the compound word is termed as “the ending of winter.” The meaning of this month’s name is also defined as “the beginning, primary, the beginning for the whole world, the head of the winter seasons, the first month and the arrival of autumn.” (Aleka Kidan Wolde Kiflea Page 612)

Ri’se Awde Amet

Ri’se Awde Amet

Happy Ethiopian New Year!

The Geeze word “awed” as defined by Aleka Kidane Welde Kiflae in his dictionary is “around, circle, from year to year.” The compound words  “awde amet” then is termed as 365 days. (Aleka Kiadae Welde Kiflae Dictionary page 685) 

Ethiopian Liturgical year has 13 months, 365 days and 366 days once a four year. After this is done and another years comes, the first day is known to be “Ri’se Awde Amet.” It is the first day onwards the fulfillment of a full year and replacement of another new year. The four evangelist Matthew, Mark, Luke and John owns years in turns.

The Seven Sacraments

Dear Children of God! how are you? How are you spending the season of summer and your break time? hope you are using it wisely and properly by learning spiritual courses and reading holy scriptures with your siblings at home as well as church. It is always important to remember to use your leisure (free) time correctly so that you could be fruitful for the coming year and near future.

Children, the lessons we present to you is correlated with the teachings of patristic (religious church) fathers at church. So, follow us attentively. If you remember last time we have seen about “The Sacrament of Penance and Unction of the Sick.” Now we will see about “The Sacraments of Ordination (Priesthood) and Matrimony.” So be with us!

The Month of Pagumen

The world countries have a number of twelve months in a year, grouped into the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. These occasions have their own limited features embracing climatic natural as warmth, coldness and rain for the growth of seed and fruit. Most are known to have a cold weather almost for the entire twelve month of the year. Unique to her nature though, our country Ethiopia is bestowed a calm, warm and sunny season of thirteen month of sunshine.

In different to the last month Pagumen, Holy Church commemorates it for various reasons. The word Pagumen means “additional, extra.” It is contains five days except in the ending of the year of Luke and the beginning of year John, which is six days accord the calendar of the church

The Twelfth Month

Our country Ethiopia is embraced with sundry graces. Her beautiful infrastructure, natural resources and the Thirteen Months of Sunshine are few to be mentioned. As she is the only one who has thirteen months from any other country of the world, it makes her unique.

The twelfth month “Nehassie” in particular has its own consecrations. This season of winter is which we are endowed rain, plants, vegetables, flowers, grass and as such. We are graced with the fullness of oceans, seas, lakes, river and the wind blow. Desolated hills are rewarded; headwaters are strengthened.

The Seven Sacraments

Dear Children of God! how are you? How are you doing? How are you spending your break time in this winter season? We hope you are using it properly being obedient, good and smart children to your family and God, at home as well as in Church.

Children! It is very important to learn and know about the mysteries of our church that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught, because it is through them that we can have the right knowledge, live a true life and go to heaven/inherit God’s Kingdom/.

This was the main reason we have been teaching you about the sacraments of the Church consequently on our lessons. We hope you remember our last lessons on “The Mysterious of the Church,” and “The Seven Sacraments.” And today, we will see the second part of it.

The Immense Wealth

The inimitable is its nature, having neither white nor black, or grey but different color. Many are inept to express about it thus remain silent. Those marveled by its beauty are astonished. But could not describe it.