Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary’s Intercession

Dear Children of God! how are you? How is school? Are you are learning attentively? It is better if you start studying hard beginning now! Two months have passed since the New Year began. So then, what have you learned through these times? Some schools have started trail exams, testing students their knowledge. So how was the exam? Hope you have scored good grades! Well done!

Little ones! If you remember on our previous lesson, we have learned a bit about intercession. Now, we will see about Saint Virgin Mary’s intercession.

“There are many who say, who will show us any good?” (Psalm 4:6)

It seems as the Prophet David said these words for those who reached up to the harsh and hard time, seeking for the good rather than the bad; not the crooked but the straight; the light other than the dark; the confused pupil craving for a teacher.

The Second Month

The second month of the Ethiopian Calendar is known as “Month of Tikmet.” The Book of Synaxarium in its introduction section states about this month saying, “The time of the day is 11 hours; and after this decreases.” This means from the 24 hours of the day, the night is 13 hours and as for the light, is 11 hours. Therefore, on the month of Tikmet, the night hour is long than the day.

The word “Tikmet” comes from the Geeze word, which is “Tekim Tekimot” to mean “a made root.” The world is created on this month and so is known as “The beginning of work.”

Aleka Kidane Wolde Kiflae translates the word Tikmet as, “Name of a month; second of Meskerem, a Fruit, flower as its base; Month of Fruit; season of grain.” (Aleka Kidane Wolde Kiflae’s Dictionary. page 508)

Answers to the Questions

Dear Children of God! how are you? Glory to God for enriching us from the Year of John to the Year of Matthew! How are you spending the new year? Hope you are enriched with hopes, good wishes and bright future! We have been embraced also by another feasts “Feast of the Cross.” How was the holiday? We assumed you have spent it with joy and good endeavors with your families and beloved ones!

Children! it is important to take part in Church education. You shall attend the Church and learn the basic education of Orthodox Incarnation (Tewahedo) Religion in living Christian life and inherit the Kingdom of God.

Little ones! We have brought you the answers of the questions that we presented to you on our last lesson. We encourage those who have participated on answering the questions and invite others who have not to do so on our next quiz.

The Age of Tsige (Flower)

The time beginning Meskerem 26 is known as “The Age of Tsige, Month of Tsige.” The word “Tsige” means flower. The songs sung, readings read in our Holy Church are about the ornaments of earth by flowers. Mesekerem 26 is the beginning of “The Age of Autumn.”

Holy Scriptures

More than every holy books in the history of creation of holy scriptures, Holy Church gives first priority to Holy Bible. The word of God scripted by the grace of Holy Spirit in the hands of chosen Saints, is in this holy book. It is both the father and mother of any other books that the Orthodox Incarnation Church gives recognition by the Law and Order of the Lord.

The Age of Cross

Cross is the sign of love made by the true Lord, God for His mercy and reconciliation between the Holy Father and mankind. The cross has stood up for the hope and salvation of soul for humans. 

Which do you remember?

Dear Children of God! how are you? Glory to God for enriching us from the Year of John to the Year of Matthew! How have you welcomed this new year? We hope you have set good plans and wishes in your spiritual life and education futurity.

Children! it is also vital to understand the importance of church education as we have been notifying you so far. The value of it is not determined by just words but by the action throughout Christianity. Thus, you are to seek, ask and respond within the educational system before your teachers.

Little ones! we have brought you a new type of lesson to know how much you remember the lessons we have been presenting to you until present. It is entitled “Which do you remember?” And in accordance to the questions we have prepared below, you will send us your response on our website address “website.english@eotcmk.org” and “https://t.me/Hiwot122716”

Teketsel Tsige

Teketsel Tsige means “be crowned by flower.” Emperor Gebre Meskel started this feast. The base of this feast is proven in the Book of Leviticus, which states the order of God for the Israelis to celebrate the atonement feast on the tenth month. (Levictus 23:25)


The month of Mesekerem is the time that the Saint John’s father’s departure is commemorated. Mesekerem 8 is the day that the martyrdom of Priest Zechariah in the hands of King Herod.