Queen of flowers

Flowers, especially the red and the white roses have long been associated with spirituality. A red rose signifies love, devotion and commitment. The white one is symbol of innocence, purity and virginity. These are flowers which blossom in the world of flowers just as Saint Mary, our Holy Mother have come to this world for the salvation of us. She is the mother of God and thus a queen of all the saints, righteous, martyrs and even is greater than the angels. So Lady virgin Mary is the Queen of spiritual flowers; and therefore, is called the Rose, for the rose is known to be beautiful amongst all flowers. Moreover, she is the Mystical or Hidden Rose.

“What must I do?” (Acts 16:30)

The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas this question which is a critical one for each of us. What must a person do to be saved not only from everlasting fire but also in times of Melancholy? When our world is in chaos and as such times of misery, humans are likely to seek answer and liberation from any kinds of suffering as well as trial. Who do we ask this question and accept answer in resolving our problems.

Laity’s Role in Church

Christians foremost ways of meeting God is prayer. As Prophet David said, “seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws,” (Psalm 119:164) we have seven canonical hours to praise, plead and worship our Lord; let us see them one by one.

Mystical Rose

The wicked fall of man, the sin of Adam and Eve overawed by virgin Saint Mary. The Mystical rose signifying Saint Mary with her Beloved son is the mark of salvation. She who has migrated with her son, has made the bitter sweet. She has fled in protecting the world’s savior her son, from being executed.

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints” (Psalm 116:15)

The remarkable and astonishing life of chosen children of God is most commemorated in their departure day. After their exhausting and tremendous diligence, perseverance and triumph of evil, Saints depart to the heavens by the praise of Angels in glory and inherit the Kingdom of God.

Our country has welcomed most celebrated and prominent Saints who has suffered much for the salvation of us, performed many miraculous, plead and made prostration for we would not even see the glimpse of fire of hell. Ethiopians celebrate our Righteous father Abune Geber Menfese Qidus in his departure day Tikimet 5 E.C. (October 16 G.C.)

The Mystery of Flowers

The magnificent nature of flowers blooming especially during on the month of Meskerm from 26 until Hedar 6 E.C. (October 7- until November 16 G.C) has mystical meaning in Christian life. The Mother of the world’s redeemer Saint Mary is represented through flowers. Prophet Isaiah has described her as, “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” (Isaiah 11:1)

Laity’s Role in Church

The hoy place for our harmony, the foundation of world peace and salvation, Orthodox Incarnation Church is where laities serve the Lord.  Church is Holy, One, Apostolic and for all. With this truth, we are to serve Apostolic service, be holy and live in unity.

The Holy Cross

At the center of our Christian life is the sacrifice of the Cross when God the Father offered His Only Son for the salvation and redemption of mankind. As such the true meaning of the Cross is sacrificial love, from here comes its true power in the life of the believer.

The Role of Laity’s in Church

Our Holy Church is a place for all in the name of Christ and Orthodox Christianity. It is the collection of Christians alongside Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Archdeacons, Deacons, and others servile. We each have a role to play. At our Church, it is vital to know our role for we shall be aware of our way of salvation and serve the Lord. The holy house of God is a place for partaking of the liturgy and worship. It is the holy place for the preparation of Holy Communion and thus shall be cherished.


Humans have encountered imprisonment for many things in life. Some were sent to prison for their theft, corruption, or murdering; others for abduction or assault; there might be those who have also committed national crimes as domestic violence or massacre killing. These are all crimes that lead to imprisonment and severe punishment.