The Mount of Olive
The Mount of Olive is the highest mountain in the suburbs of Jerusalem, 730 metres over the surface of the Mediterranean, comprising of a mountain range with three peaks; The South peak of the Ascension of Christ, around which all the Christian Shrines of the Mount of Olives are gathered. The North peak (Mount Scopus), on which the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is built. The middle peak with the Augusta Victoria Hospital dedicated to the wife of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. In Hebrew it is called Har-Hazeitim, the Mount of Olives. From the 4th century onwards, the Mount of Olives attracted many Christian pilgrims and monks, resulting to the building of houses of prayer, churches and monasteries on it. A Christian travelling book of the 6th century numbers 24 churches and shrines on the Mount.During the apostasy era, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught the disciples about judgment day on the mount of olive.