Dear Children of God, how are you? How is school and spiritual life? How are you doing at your school and home with your family? Are you attending Churches at holidays and on Sabbath (Saturdays and Sundays)? How are you spending your leisure (free) time? Hope you are using them for valuable things such as reading, studying, helping your parents as well as your elderlies. Children, it also important to help poor and elderly people around the Churches and on the streets by feeding and clothing them. Then, God will also be happy about us and we would become His children. Ok, good!
Children, today we will teach you about Prophets who are servants of God. Prophet is “a person who conveys messages from the God to people, including occasionally foretelling future events.” We call the male “Prophet” and the female “Prophetess.” They have the power of Holy Spirit upon themselves that makes them speak the word of God and foretell (tell) the future (what comes another day, month or year/years).