Hosanna in the highest!
The Lord above the Cherubim,
Today enters Jerusalem,
Taking the human flesh to redeem,
Hosanna in the highest.
The Lord above the Cherubim,
Today enters Jerusalem,
Taking the human flesh to redeem,
Hosanna in the highest.
The savior of the world, the redeemer of mankind and the salvation of all human race Lord Jesus Christ work of salvation through becoming human announced to Holy Mother Saint Mary is the foremost feasts commemorated in our holy orthodox incarnation church.
The righteous and ascetic Saint Sarah the nun who was a native of upper Egypt departed on March 24. Her parents were Christians. They had no other children and had raised her in a Christian manner by teaching her reading holy scriptures and writing word of God. For this, she habited to always read the holy books of the Church. She frequently read especially “the biography and sayings of the fathers the monks.” She was amazed by their lives and desired the ascetic life. She went to one of the convents of upper Egypt and dwelt there for many years serving the virgins.
When Saint Helena came to Jerusalem and asked the Jews about the whereabouts of the Cross, they did not inform her. Finally, some of them told her about an old Jew called Judas who knew the place. She called him, and he denied it at first, but when she urged him, he told her about that pile. She ordered its removal and the Holy Cross was found. She built a church for it, consecrated it and celebrated for the Honorable Cross on the sixteenth day of the month of September.
The Ethiopian “Star of the desert” and “The Head of Anchorites”, Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus’s departure date on Megabit 5, 2015 (March 14, 2023) is commemorated on our Holy Orthodox Tewahedo Church amongst all Christians.
Dear Children of God! How are you? How is school? How are you doing on your exams? We hope you are well and studying! Children, education is very important and you shall acquire all the necessary knowledge.
Dear Children of God! on Yekatit 16 (February 23), we celebrate our holy mother’s day of Kidane Meheret (The Covenant of Mercy). So, today we will tell the story of how Saint Mary received “The Covenant of Mercy” from Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Lady, the all pure, Virgin Saint Mary, the Mother of God, departed on Tir 21. As she was always praying in the holy sepulcher, the Holy Spirit informed her that she was about to depart from this temporal world. When the time of her departure arrived, the virgins of the Mount of Olives came to her, with the apostles, who were still alive, and they surrounded her bed. The Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom is the glory, with a host of thousands and thousands of angels came to her and comforted her. He also told her about the eternal joy that was prepared for her, and she rejoiced.
Holy church celebrates the commemoration of the miracle that our Lord Jesus Christ performed at Cana of Galilee on Tir 12 (January 20). It was the first miracle that our Lord Jesus performed after His baptism. He was invited to the wedding with His virgin mother, Saint Mary, and also some of His disciples.
Dear Children of God, how are you? How was Holiday? How did you spend the celebration of Lord Jesus Christ birthday? Hope it was joyful and cheerful. Yet another holiday is coming and all Christians shall celebrate it together. Do you know what the holiday is? It is Epiphany (Timket) Happy Epiphany to you and your Family! So today, we will tell you the story of Lord Jesus Christ’s baptism by the hand of Saint John the Baptist and the celebration of Epiphany Holiday.
After Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Saint Mary raised Him in Jerusalem following their return from Egypt and Ethiopia. When He became thirty years of age, He came to Jordan river where Saint John was teaching God’s word and baptizing and He was baptized as well.
The day which God scattered the of tower of babel is celebrated in Our Holy Church every year on Tir 7 (January 15).