The Sermon on the Mount

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”And Jesus answered…

The Impotent Man

The Impotent Man embedded for 38 years was desperately seeking strength and restoration of his capacity. He was stuck to the ground for probably more than half of his life and his status by the pool of Bethesda describes how the “very sinful sin” can paralyze our inner man who was born of God in His own image.

Lord Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jerusalem where Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, circumcised, baptized, and lived for thirty three years for fulfilling the vow of salvation of mankind was a blessed city. Being the reason during the apostasy era, the Lord preached that many were saved and healed with His divine power. Though before His forthcoming heresies and pagans surfaced, His spread of ‘The Gospel’ called thousands and thousands to the House of God for eternal life. His words, preaching and miraculous spread all over the world, bringing them to witness His presence in His birth town.

But though there were others who denied Him being ‘The Holy Son of The Holy Father’ and refused to accept His words. They even tried to destroy His house ‘Holy Temple.’ Especially Jews were His foremost enemies which later on even were the ones to crucify Him. Even though His will was upon their deed for He had to sacrifice His life in saving us. This being the reality, Lord Jesus forbidden all evilness whilst His reside on earth.


Holy is a word that expresses the notion of purity and righteousness. All creatures of “The Holy Father, The Holy Son and The Holy Spirit” shall be Holy as He created us as in His image and embodiment.

“He had fasted forty days and forty nights” (Matthew 4:2)

His Love and Passion driving Him on earth for the salvation of mankind, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came from heaven to hunger, suffer and die in giving His life in return of us.

Nineveh’s Fast

Nineveh’s Fast is the commemoration of the penance of the Ninevites through the preaching of Jonah. It lasts for three whole days, representing the time spent by Jonah inside the belly of the whale, starting on a Monday to Wednesday exactly two weeks before the fast of the Great Lent. The eating of fish and all forms of animal fat are abstained from by the Church during this fast. (Jonah 3:1-10)

The Vigil of Christmas and Epiphany

Our  forefathers of the Church, the chiefs of the Councils, have laid down the law that believers should fast on this day until the evening and that they should eat no kind of moist (or, fatty) food whatsoever. Only that kind which is eaten during the Great Fast of Lent.

Weeks of the Prophet’s Fast

The weeks before the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the prophets fast are called are called Sermon, Light, and Nolawi. The weeks before the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the prophets fast are called are called Sermon, Light, and Nolawi. They are the resemblance of the time when prophets pleaded in hope for the salvation of human beings and God’s mercy.

The Prophet’s Fast

The Prophet’s Fast is amongst the seven canonically recognized by the Ethiopian Orthodox Incarnation Church. The Fast begins on November 24 and ends on Eve of the Holiday. (Fetha Negest, Article 15, Number 565)

The Exodus of Saint Mary and Lord Jesus Christ

Blessed Virgin Mary, in the presence of the old man Joseph and her aunt Salome, fled to Egypt as well as Ethiopia during the apostasy era. Joseph, who had been commanded to protect her, was shocked to see that her appearance sometimes turned red like a rose, and at other times it turned white like a pomegranate. He was would her “Mary” to make sure she was. Explaining this mystery, Saint John Chrysostom said, “I did not know her in any way because she looked like a rose and a pomegranate.” Thus, the Church has reminded us of the time of the monthly prayer for the praise of our Lady in a flower. According to the teachings of our Holy Church, the period from October 6 to November 16 is called the month of Tsige (Tsige / Flower Month) for It’s a time which Flowers blossom in the moonlight and bear, the flower representing Saint Mary and the fruit, being the symbol of Lord Jesus.