Mystical Rose

The most beautiful flower ever seen in the spiritual world as the Italian refer her “Rosa Mystica/Mystical Rose/ is our Holy Mother Saint Mary.

Rosa decens, rosa munda,

Rosa recens sine spina,

Rosa florens et secunda

Rosa gratia divina

Rose graceful, rose clean,

fresh rose without a thorn,

rose in bloom and favorable

Rose divine grace

Mystical Rose

The wicked fall of man, the sin of Adam and Eve overawed by virgin Saint Mary. The Mystical rose signifying Saint Mary with her Beloved son is the mark of salvation. She who has migrated with her son, has made the bitter sweet. She has fled in protecting the world’s savior her son, from being executed.

The Liturgy of Fasting

Dear Children of God, how are you? How is the new year and school? We hope you are attending your lessons attentively in this new year and studying well. It is also important to ask you teachers what you do not understand and something that is not clear for you. If not, you would not be able to pass your exams or else get good mark. You shall attend the church education as well, so that you could be a good, brave and generous child of God.

Dear Children of God, this season is known as “The Month of flowers.” We commemorate our Holy Mother Saint Mary, her beloved Son, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and their flight to Egypt and Ethiopia in escape of King Herold who was trying to kill baby Jesus, out of fear of Him reigning as a King.

Children, we hope you remember our last lesson on the celebration of Feasts! And for now we will teach you about “The Liturgy of Fasting.”

The Mystery of Flowers

The magnificent nature of flowers blooming especially during on the month of Meskerm from 26 until Hedar 6 E.C. (October 7- until November 16 G.C) has mystical meaning in Christian life. The Mother of the world’s redeemer Saint Mary is represented through flowers. Prophet Isaiah has described her as, “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” (Isaiah 11:1)

“Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3)

A gift bestowed from dearly beloved ones are most cherished. Foremost precious presents granted are by God for His unconditional love. What could ever be more valuable than His gift in life. He gave us His life, love, peace, hope and Kingdom. This inheritance we strive was done through the holy root of mankind Adam for he was told “I will be born from grandson and save you.” (Book of Clement)  

The Fast of the Apostles

In the order of fasts in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, Fasting is abstinence from all things a body needs, abstain food and water for a limited time until the period of fasting is over (fasting time).  And have to fast from any animal products like Eggs, milk, cheese and meat. from any kind of food. (Fetha Negest 15, Matthew 6:16). In general, Christian has to abstain from anything which the body desires.

Passion Week

The last week of the Great Lent ‘Passion Week’ is the commemoration of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ suffering for the salvation of human beings. They are the six days starting from Monday till Saturday of having their own name and meaning signifying the week; So we shall see them each.


Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews and a teacher of Israel, whose secret visit to our Lord was the occasion of the discourse recorded only by Saint John. (John 3:1,10). He came to Jesus during the night when it was dark to talk to Him seeking to avoid others seeing him speaking to our Lord.

The Faithful Servant

In scripted in the Holy bible, a faithful servant is one who keeps the Lord’s word in obedience and serve Him. In the parable of the talent written in Matthew 25:14-30, the story of the five servants is exemplary. For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them….

The Mount of Olive

The Mount of Olive is the highest mountain in the suburbs of Jerusalem, 730 metres over the surface of the Mediterranean, comprising of a mountain range with three peaks; The South peak of the Ascension of Christ, around which all the Christian Shrines of the Mount of Olives are gathered. The North peak (Mount Scopus), on which the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is built. The middle peak with the Augusta Victoria Hospital dedicated to the wife of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. In Hebrew it is called Har-Hazeitim, the Mount of Olives. From the 4th century onwards, the Mount of Olives attracted many Christian pilgrims and monks, resulting to the building of houses of prayer, churches and monasteries on it. A Christian travelling book of the 6th century numbers 24 churches and shrines on the Mount.During the apostasy era, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught the disciples about judgment day on the mount of olive.