“A Man of God” (2 Samuel 9:6)

Part Two  

The Almighty God has not left His creatures with nothing. He saves, protects, teaches and rebukes all in many ways. In scripted in the Book of Job, “God may speak in one way, or in another.” (Job 33:14) Thus, after He created man honorably more than others, He safeguards him through Divine, Angelic and Human Protection.

The Lord has granted mankind human protection through Kings, Priests and Prophets as well by teaching, rebuking and safeguarding them from harm. In this case, especially in the Old Testament, the major saints who advised, taught, rebuked and warned of plagues which was about to come from God were Prophets. They were consulate from God, to preach, consult and comfort the people.

Saint Prophets are “A man of God” who are real people and speak the truth which it is instigated just as their words. In the Book of Samuel, I, it is stated as, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. (1 Samuel 9:6) These words are spoken about Prophet Samuel who has spoken the true prophecy, teaching and words of God. With this, we comprehend the truth about prophets are true people of God who speaks and transmit word of God, true prophecy and preaching to gentiles.

They neither speak any word for themselves, nor fear or think for their corporeal desire and worldly or earthly honor. Even as they speak, they say “God says…” because Prophecy telling is a gift from God but not one’s own power. (Amos 1:3, 6:9) The message is God’s words but humans. Saint Peter said accordingly, “Prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21) We can understand many things from the Apostol’s words.

  1. Prophecy is not from the will of man
  2. No one deserves to interpret prophecies
  3. Only a man of God send by Him can speak prophecy
  4. A man must be holy to fulfill God’s mission and speak about His message

It is in scripted in the Holy Book about prophets being “The Mouth of God” who transmits events which takes place in the future, plagues on Kings who defy the Law of God or else about their sin and what they need to do through words, proverbs or actions. (Isaiah 5:1-7, Ezekiel 4:2)   Prophecies were major service for the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to come to this world as a man and save us. (Matthew 5:17)

Although it is not perceiving as the Old testament, we read in the Holy Bible about God raising the prophets who are bestowed grace of prophecy in the New Testament, built Holy Church with the Apostles and served with the them. (Acts 13:1, Ephesians 2፡20)

Prophecy and visions are not given focus as much in the New Testament since Patristic Fathers said they were needed for the Years of Condemnation.  As it is said, “For we all are as a defiled thing and all our righteousness is like the patch of cloth of a menstruous woman. We all fall like leaves, and our sins have carried us off like a hurricane.” (Isaiah 64:6) Prophets the consult and consulate the people according to His words, “Comfort, comfort my people.” (Isaiah 40:1)

However, in the New Testament, they would not have spoken about Lord Jesus Christ work of redemption through prophecy for He would teach the gospel Himself, do many miraculous and be crucified for our salvation.

False prophets though have surfaced widely on this globe foretelling many false prophecies without being given the gift of prophecy from God. They give wrong interpretations about Holy Books (scriptures) and teach falsehood just as the Lord has told us. His words affirm for us not to rely on prophets and prophecies.  This does not mean we are confirming “There is not either Prophecy or Prophets” in the New Testament but even if prophets exist, they could only serve to consult, comfort and build up Churches but not foretell prophecies.  (Acts 15:32)

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15) Those who have pierced with axe, cut with saw, who has led gentiles in sincerity has taken the name of the prophets. But they are tricky, evil, trickery, are extortionists consumed by love of money, fornication, pagan worshiping, and Evil, usurpers and liars.

Saint Peter has also taught saying, “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them bringing swift destruction on themselves.” (2 Peter 2:1) This has been entirely done now a-days. There are false prophets who have poisoned people with heresy and false teaching, dove out the flocks from their stable and made them wonderers, float in the air with vain hopes and like a straw push by the wind.

Saint John in his Epistle, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) We have to observe these words and differentiate about the false prophets that exist in this time for us to know their false teachings and be protected from them. Our Lord has told informed everything that will take place in the future and so we shall be aware.

Brethren, let us notice how our world is manipulated by false preaching’s, teachers and prophecies as we have clarified above and acknowledge how to protect ourselves in living in the true of God,

May God’s guidance be with us, Amen!