The Great Lent

Amid Apostasy era, LORD Jesus Christ fasted for forty days and nights in the desert to his promise of Adam’s salvation. Holy Bible stated the fast as “The Great Lent.”Later than his baptism, LORD Jesus Christ was challenged by enemy Satan, where he was consequently encountering obstacles during his fasting. He faced all the evil and tribulations for our atonement of human race; and hence all Christians in the name of Christianity fast “The Great Lent” for their emancipation of sins and Salvation

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12)

Humans born as mortals, seek redemption since birth for they inherited debit from the first mankind Adam. Living on earth, obligatorily seize from sinning and obliging GOD’s commandment.

The Fast of Nineveh

Onwards, people in the name of Christianity fast “The fast of Nineveh”, a three-day lent recognized by the Orthodox Incarnation Church, seeking a forgiveness and repentance from GOD. The fasting lasts from Monday to Wednesday, two weeks before the beginning of the Great Lent. This year’s Fast of Nineveh begins on Monday, February 10 and ends February 12,2020.

The Good Shepherd LORD Jesus Christ and His Sheep

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in transient way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of stranger.” (John 10:1-6)


The opening of heaven right after Jesus was baptized indicates that we have been redeemed from Adam’s sin that led to the closure of the heavens through faith in LORD Jesus Christ and baptism. This reveals the spiritual value of Epiphany as an opener of the heavens. (Galatians 3:27).

“Son of man, take the brick and lay it at front; draw icons of the city of Jerusalem and surround it” (Ezek. 4፡1)

There are things to keep in mind when using Holy Icons for prayer and various services. It is important to keep it in a proper place so that it does not get damaged and blurred. The owner of the icon describes the picture, illustrating God or Holy, Righteous or Martyr due reverence and worship shall be given. Artists to help the laities know and worship the rightful owners of the painting they must also draw the icon they are painting.

“The Trepidation of GOD is the foundation of Wisdom. But heresies disrepute wisdom and regiment (Prov. 1:7)”

Affirmed as “Trepidation for GOD is the throne of wisdom,” the wisdom from GOD is the trepidation of him. (Syra. 1:18). Fearing GOD doesn’t mean thinking he might destroy us with his fury or with his power; or to feel agony or anxious. It is to believe he is the creator of the world and live by his command

Let us shield the true Orthodox Tewahdo Religion!

Historical inscriptions revealed about heresies of generations haunting our Orthodox Tewahdo Religion; as today’s enemy forces execute their scam in implicit and overtly enforcing violence and massacres. Especially these days, the forces are burning down Churches and murdering laities to demolish Christianity and expand Islamism.

“Onwards the time of ignorance, GOD then order all to repent in their dwellings” (Acts.16:30)

Though Apostle Saint Paul preached heathens in Aetna, it has also big message. Especially his words, “Onwards the time of ignorance, GOD then order all to repent in their dwellings (Acts 16:30)”, unswervingly gears us.

If thy discern about sin and its eternity, thy will recoil” Beatitude and Holy Archbishop Shenouda

Sin is the demise of conscience and spirit. As Apostle Paul said, “The wage of sin is death.”