
The month of Mesekerem is the time that the Saint John’s father’s departure is commemorated. Mesekerem 8 is the day that the martyrdom of Priest Zechariah in the hands of King Herod.

Priest Zechariah is the one who received Holy Mother Saint Mary at her age of 3, in her entrance to the temple; gave her to elder Joseph in her 15 years of age; heard the conception of his son john from the Archangel Saint Gabriel. Both Zachariah and his wife Elisabeth were bestowed a child at their elderly age.

When King Herold feared for his kingdom and killed children in search for the true heavenly King, Lord Jesus, Zechariah’s son was also in danger to be killed. But the soldiers were unable to find him, as his mother flee to the Deseret with him. It was then that they find his father the Priest Zechariah and killed him on September 8.

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said about the killing of him, “on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.” (Matthew 23:35)

The Age of Fruit

Saint Yared has set the days of Mesekerem 9 up to 15 as “Age of Fruit.” This season is that the Lord endows His crown and benevolence as a gift and thus we shall praise Him. The earthly crops, vegetables and herbs produce some by their legs; others by sides and another by their heads. Those who produce by their heads are examples of people that earn by their own effort and put it to utility; The ones who produce by their sides are the examples of those who are merit by their wives and children. Those which produce by their legs are the ones who virtue by their employees. On the other hand, they are examples of those righteous who fruity 100 (by their head), 60 (by their side) and 30 (by their legs) fruits.

The Age of Fruit, is the season for the harvest that was kept is returned for its finale production. Though the season seems for this, the true meaning and value is about the salvation of the soul. “Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.” (Matthew 3:8)
