“We went through fire and through water” (Psalm 66:12)

The Almighty Who is omnipotence either saves or kills. Those saints and martyrs who have faith in God, triumphed on all their predicaments, miseries and agonies. Fire is the ornament for all the holies in their scarification.

As gold and silver are crystal by fire, so are those saints and martyrs pure, passing all the predicaments and misery being the sign of diligence and a crown of honor, they inherit the eternal kingdom of heavens.  Saints and Martyrs choosing to live in agony and torment, rather than to be thrown in everlasting fire, prefer to endure the pain of the earthly fire without hesitation and fear.

Man has been tortured by demons through history of humans. The story of the mother and son martyr Saint Cyriacus (Qyriacus) and Saint Julietta who Archangel Saint Gabriel saved on Hamele 19, is commemorable. These saints were tormented by the one of the pagan King Alexander.

The king had ordered Julitta to be stretched out and beaten. But Saint Julitta kept repeating, “I am a Christian, and I will not offer sacrifice to demons” even in torment. Alexander tried to seize the boy but he shouted, “Let me go to my mother, I am a Christian.”

King Alexander then threw him down the stone steps of the tribunal furious. He was ashamed by the boy’s response and tortured him.  Saint Cyriacus endure all the pain and his mother Julitta, was agonized as same. Then God send Saint Gabriel for they would be saved from the boiling water prepared for their torture. The Honorable Angel changed the boiling water into cold.

The grace of the Holy Spirit descended upon them then after for they would endure all the pain and suffering. They went to the heavens receiving martyrdom. Saint Cyriacus has performed many miraculous, and healed many.

May their intercession and mediation be with us, Amen!