“We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29)

The very first thing that our Lord, God seeks from His every creature, is obedience. In particular to humans, obedience is the way of showing love to our creator; abiding by His law and commandment, living by keeping the order of Church, we play the role of God’s children.

Father Yohanna Meshreki in his article “The Sacrifice of Obedience,” explains the value of obedience and how the fall of Adam is the absence of it. He said, “Obedience is a very important virtue. Adam’s sin was the lack of obedience, and it has no cure except for the Son to obey the Father. The obedience of the Son to the Father gives man power to obey. Christ emptied Himself from everything to obey the Father, thus He gave these qualities to us as inheritance just as He gave us His body, blood, love, and humility as inheritance. Included in this inheritance he gave us His obedience. The Holy Spirit extends to us this obedience, and he who is filled with the Holy Spirit is able to obey.”

The love of God is what initiate for obedience to Him. As Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38) The unconditional and irreplaceable affection for the Lord makes human beings sacrifice anything and everything for the life He wills for us. “Without love man cannot obey, but through love he can sacrifice all his personal desires to obey Christ. Love is the foundation, and he whose heart is full of love, will be able to obey easily with content no matter how difficult the matter is.” Says Father Yohanna.

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ showed us true love upon the cross by crucifixion in giving His life. It is what makes us abide His law and walk on the true path He paved for us. And the Lord subsequently said, “the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:40)

Loving our neighbor is also a way of showing our Lord we love and obey Him. If we care for our elderly fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, relatives, neighbors and even guests alike ourselves in sharing our food, beverages, clothing, shelter supporting their spiritual life, we have true love not only for others, but foremost to God. It is for the love of Him that we do what the Lord order for others. The ten commandments are our guide to life on earth. It is what leads us to eternal and heavenly life. Obeying the God is always necessary, for we live a true life without evil, spuriousness and sophisticated eminence.

Unfortunate though, men have become wicked, deceitful, arrogant and sham living in disobedience to God. Some have even entirely forgotten their Lord, blinded by personal desire and comfort, only for fulfilling daily routine. They might not have the will to call His name let alone pray and seek for His guidance in life. The intention of the worldly people is on the meeting their corporeal needs, gain earthly benefit and temporary reputation, thus lean on accepting the advice and order of others such as colleague at work, managers and false teachers rather than accepting truth of God and obeying His rule.

Living by the order of God in Christian life might be challenging and seem like an impossible to practice, but by the power of the Lord, anything and everything is possible. Father Yohanna advice all as follows: –

+ Regarding obeying Christ, meditate upon His cross, His love, the word of His Gospel, and contemplate on His work with you and His care for you. Then your heart will be filled with His love and you will find yourself easily obeying His commandment.
+ Regarding obeying the parents: Also reflect on their toil with you and their eagerness for your comfort and this will certainly make it easy to obey them.
+ Regarding obeying who are in charge: Always pray for them so that the Lord may support them in their responsibilities. Pray that your heart may be filled with love towards them and accept them, this way you may be able to obey them with content.

The Lord Jesus summarized this principle in a golden verse that says:
“If you love Me, keep (Obey) My commandments.” (John 14) Who do we obey? I ought to obey he who loves me, and hopes for my success, well being, and edification. I obey who cares for me and my happiness. Is there anyone other than God that has these qualities? Thus the Bible teaches us that: “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

After that, I also ought to obey those who have these qualities, like my parents, my father of confession, ministers, teachers, friends who bring me close to God, and anyone who gives me a genuine advice that doesn’t contradict with the Bibles. Thus, we ought to learn when to say no! This is an important principle in life. Not all things are appropriate and not all things edify.

May God’s mercy and benediction be upon us, Amen!