The Significance of Church Liturgy

December 22, 2021

Dear Children of God, Greetings to you and Glory to God above all!

Children! On our previous lesson, we have learned what Church Liturgy means remember? On this week lesson, we will learn about the significance of Liturgy, so be with us!

First, let us remind you about the meaning of liturgy. Church Liturgy or the Divine Liturgy is the action of the Church assembled by God in order to be together in one community to worship, to pray, to sing, to hear God’s Word, to be instructed in God’s commandments, to offer itself with thanksgiving in Christ to God the Father.

Therefore, it is of the greatest significance for Christian’s upbringing. It strengthens our faith by raising our mind and heart to be a true Christian by directing us in all of our actions and deeds of a person to the way ordained by our Lord Jesus Christ and Saint Apostles.

Dear Children! Obeying the liturgy and living under the commandments helps us to worship God. As a result, the prayers, hymns (religious song) and liturgical motions of Orthodox Christianity are important in worshiping God for He is our good shepherd guiding us in all of our lives. Thus, whenever we go to Church, we must obey the Divine Liturgy and live by them.

Dear Children of God, you shall listen to your parents when they tell you to wake up in the morning, wash your body and wear neat and white clothes to go to Church. After reaching to the Church, you must have manner and be disciplined, pray and attend attentively in silence. When it is time to receive the Holy Communion, you shall be good and happy through the process by obeying you process.

Ok, Good Children! We hope you have understood the importance of Church Liturgy and be good Christian.

Dear Children! We have finished today’s lessons and till we meet for our next week, have a good time!