The Month of Pagumen

Dear Children of God, how are you? How is the season of winter? How are you spending it so far? Are you using your time properly? What have you done so far? Have you fasted the fast of Assumption of Saint Mary? Have been going to Churches with your families on Sabbath (Saturday and Sunday? Have you read spiritual books? Are you helping your parents with house chorus (house work) in your break time? Children, these are all the important things you shall do at home in winter season.

Children, today we will teach you about the thirteenth month of our country, “The Month of Pagumen.” The word Pagumen comes from a Greek word called “Apagumen” which means “addition or increment.”

The month of Pagumen is the thirteenth and last month in the Ethiopian Season which we leave this year behind and receive the new year. It is the season of preparation for a new life earthly and heavenly as well. Our Holy Church Celebrate this month in the commemoration of this as it is the illustration of the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the reminder of Judgment day. Because it is the ending of winter which is the rainy season and the beginning of sunny, warm and lovely which is the imitation of everlasting life in heaven.

On this season, we fast the “Judith Fast” but with our own will. It is a five days fast for pleading mercy of God just as Judith, a widow (a woman whose husbands died) fasted to plead for her country. (read the whole story in “The book of Judith” in the Bible).

Many people fast it with their own will alongside the baptism of Saint Raphael, by praying, prostration and the Christians Endeavors specially alms giving. Children, we hope you know about Saint Raphael, the angel, because we have thought you about him who is amongst the seven Archangels.

Dear Children, as the story in scripted in the book of Tobit, we commemorate the Archangel Saint Raphael’s holiday on Pagumen 3. According to the education of Our Orthodox Incarnation (Tewahedo) Church, this is the day the Finote Semay which means ‘road to heavens’. Therefore, the rain that falls on this day is considered Holy, blessing of the Christians and protects them from illness and bad fortune.

We also celebrate Pagumen three for the miracle he performed in Alexandria. Abba Theophilus the Archbishop of Alexandria; built many churches and among them was the church, which was on the island outside the city of Alexandria It was dedicated in the name of the Archangel Raphael. Abba Theophilus the Archbishop finished the building thereof and consecrated it as it were this day. On Pagume 3 when the believers were praying in the church, the Church started to shock. They found that the Church had been built upon the back of a whale of the sea, on which a very large mass of sand had heaped itself.

Children Satan was the one who moved the whale so that he might throw down the church. Then, the believers and the archbishop cried out together and pray to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They also asked for the intercession of the Archangel Raphael. So, God sent the Saint Raphael who drove his spear into the while, saying to him, “By the commandment of God stand still, and move not thyself from thy place”; The whale stood in his place and did not move. This Church continued until the Muslims reigned, and destroyed it.

Dear Children, we also celebrate Saint Raphael for his endeavors in the story of Tobias. He was the angel who helped Tobias and his family. He has even travelled with Tobias, son of Tobit and served him on his journey by protecting him from dangerous. He found a wife for him who was suffering from evil spirit. He has also healed his father Tobit from blindness. (read the whole story in “The book of Tobit” in the Bible).

Dear Children, we hope you have understood todays lesson and makes us of it. You shall go to churches early in the morning during the pagumen Month for the Baptism of Saint Raphael. Ok, good!

Farewell Children! We have finished our lesson for now but hope to meet you next time. Have a good time!