The Immense Wealth

The inimitable is its nature, having neither white nor black, or grey but different color. Many are inept to express about it thus remain silent. Those marveled by its beauty are astonished. But could not describe it. It was whine pouring in to the heavens, I wonder now if it is aware of change in color here!

Gazing at its flow on the stream, seems as a traveler tripping on long journey. Looks like a headworker farmer who rushes to its farm or a merchant demanding to open one’s own business center. If not seized by stem or toot, who could detain it from going anywhere? It travels gathering soil and trunk though.

Drifting on the land, it is splendid to witness its splendor on the harmonies color of the earth, for it appears as bluish on a blue land or else greenish on a green one. Does not forget its mission yet, surround, feeding on and water the land to fruity, fulfilling is destiny.

It is striking whilst the wind blows and at time of the storm. With its clanging sound, shaking its body and going up and down seems like a dream but not real! To whom is not its existence useful? And who lives without it? Who would live if it vanishes, not only from inside our body, but in our home and living?

How could we describe the immense wealth, which fulfills the living of ourselves, quenching our thirst, preparing our food, washing our body and clothing? Would it be enough if we say to it, “Dear Gion, your favor is tremendous! Glorified is Who created you?”

Gion coming from the heavens and pouring down to the earth for us in different from Ephesus, Euphrates, Tigris, it is our ecstasy and thus we say “oh Gion, welcome!” For we live with it; our lives are full and fulfilled, since we embrace it with our natural gift but not money as the immense wealth.
Ghion has not only be our drink, food, raising all the plants, cereals and fruits, but is also our light to the darkened shelter. By the wisdom the Lord bestows them, expertise has formed the light of in every house. We have been endowed all the essentials in life by Ghion river, our immense wealth.
The immense wealth, truly its …. is tremendous! Holy Father Abune Zerea Briuk, in its flee from the enemies, gave Gion to keep his Prayer book “Psalms” and “The Gospel” and other Seven Holy Scriptures. Miraculously, it returned the scriptures without out any drop of water on the books after five years, when asked “Behold Ghion, return my books.” This has not only amazed our Father and his disciple Zerufaeal, but us. Abune Zerea Biruk blessed it saying, “great salvation shall be done within you.”

When blessed by our father, it has made barren give birth and healed aliments. Then they named it “Abay/Nile.” Could we call nile, our mother” as our father called upon it as a female.? It is our feeder, living and shelter.
Nile has not become our lives but jewelry.; for she bestows precious pearls and minerals, shine diamond jewelries. She is what we build our beautiful houses, decorate our yard and garden as well as attires.

Dear Nile, you are our immense Wealth! You water country Ethiopia with the marvelous wisdom of the Lord who create you. And whilst the land is wet, she gives away all the herbs, cereals, minerals, precious stones and other ornaments and so you are our immense wealth!

Glory be to God, who created you!