The Age of Tsige (Flower)

The time beginning Meskerem 26 is known as “The Age of Tsige, Month of Tsige.” The word “Tsige” means flower. The songs sung, readings read in our Holy Church are about the ornaments of earth by flowers. Mesekerem 26 is the beginning of “The Age of Autumn.”


The month of Mesekerem, not only is the transition from an old year to a new year, it is also the commemoration of occasions as itemized above. Furthermore, there are feasts to be celebrated within it as in scripted in “The Book of Synaxarium.”

Mesekerem 1 is the day that the righteous Job was healed from his aliment by the wash of water and the martyrdom of the Apostle Thaddeus.

Mesekerem 2 is the martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist by the hands of King Herod.

Mesekerem 7 is the birthday of Saint Anne, mother of Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary and the departure day of Saint Elizabeth, mother of Saint John, the Baptist.

Mesekerem 8 is the martyrdom of Priest Zechariah the hands of King Herod.

Mesekerem 10 is the miraculous day of Saint Virgin Mary’s painting in a country called Tsedenya.

Mesekerem 15 is the transmigration of Saint Stephen’s body.

Mesekerem 17 is the Feast of Cross

Mesekerem 18 is the departure of Saint Eustace

Mesekerem 21 is the accomplishment of Council of Nicaea

Mesekerem 25 is the ending of Winter

Glory to God!