Human Nature and Gender 

Part Two

Yordanos Addise 

Adam and Eve, who are the foundations of the human race, are not defined by gender (collectively known as “man”), and the primordial creation known as “Adam” served as the source and designation of all mankind in addition to the male sex.

In general, “masculine” means “man, strong” and “feminine” refers to “woman” (Genesis 1:27) When their gender and deeds are defined together, the names of the first people carry the following meanings.

Adam means “a beautiful, pleasant man, kind, handsome, first man, father of all men.”  Eve means “life.” Adam named her “Eve” and the name implies that she is “the mother of all living.” (Genesis 2:4-24) She is also called a helper.

Although Eve was the first mistake maker in the history of mankind’s fall; it was through her that the hope of salvation came from. For Christ became a man from Our Lady, a descendant of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:15). However, the New World thinkers, who has failed to distinguish religion from custom, tries to present religion as responsible for gender differences, especially women’s lack of rights, freedoms and equality. They say Religion treats women as inferior to humanity, accusing them of diminishing a woman’s human dignity and proclaimed themself to be the sole thinker, advocate, discoverer of a new philosophy for the girl, and began to preach themself; the main problem with this saying is that they are not familiar with the fundamental principles of religion. On the other hand, when they pretend to be defenders of human rights, they impose a death sentence on a human being who cannot define himself; They deprive the creature of the right to come out of the womb and live on earth in the hope that they can alone live in the world; when they accuse and criticize religion just to pursue their own goals, they do not have any concrete information to offer. The truth and their idioms are completely different; but if you ask why these people chose to march against religion, you can see the following points:

  1. Man: In his animalistic nature, he seeks to ride in the field of lust where there is no bridle. But since religion does not allow indulgence, it declares that man must get rid of his animalistic experience and submit to a spiritual order. So a non-religious person seeks to create a favorable platform so that he does not accept this spiritual principle.
  2. Religion: It is foolishness of the day to foster hatred against religion by teaching that it is antithetical to the rights, liberty and equality of the girl and by repeatedly trying to create hatred against religion by frequently trying to preach “I am your advocate of equality.” (Psalm 13:1)
  3. Individuals who follow such an idiom pursue it as an alternative way of interpreting the raw words of Holy books as they see fit, and approaching society with their completely distorted views. (2 Peter 6:20-21)
  4. All their races are of evil, since they have no intention of separating the dogmatic system of religion from public custom.

This view of the modern person, who has lost the spiritual line of truth, must have caused a gap of thought that challenges the truth and confuses many; but does the truth religion declare sex discrimination or the proclamation of lordship and slavery between a man and a woman?  The answer to that question is not the right and concise answer. However, the Word says above all to prove the truth, so that everyone who has a discerning heart, a researcher’s conscience, a firm religion, a good life, can understand the truth.

  1. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And God created man in his own image, male and female he created them, and God blessed them.” (Genesis 1:26-28).
  2. “And the Lord God formed man (Adam) out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)
  3. “But there was not found a helper like him in Adam; and the Lord God fell into Adam’s deep sleep, and he fell asleep; and he took a bone beside him, and sealed up his place with flesh. And the bone which the Lord God had taken from Adam he made into a woman.” (Genesis 2:20-23)
  4. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:224)
  5. “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for every reason that the Pharisees came to him (the Lord) and tried him? But he answered, “In the beginning the Creator made them male and female.” … Therefore they are no longer two, but one flesh (body): what God has joined together, let no man therefore put asunder.” (Mathew 19:3-6)
  6. “Let the husband do to his wife what is due, and likewise the wife of the husband has no authority over her own body. (1 Corinthians 7፡9)
  7. “Let each one of you be subject to the fear of Christ: wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church . . . In the same way, husbands also ought to love their own wives, growing up according to their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own body… Let each one of you love his own wife as himself, and let the wife fear her husband.” (Ephesians 5:21-33).
  8. “In this there is no Jew, there is no pagan, there is no ruler, there is no subject, there is no man, there is no woman, but you are all one in Jesus Christ.” (Galatians.3:28).

If you look at the truth of God’s Word mentioned above, you should look at the verses you see others trying to use for reason, contradictions, and their true meaning. St. Paul wrote in his first letter to Timothy.  2:11 says, “Let a woman learn quietly, and obey with all sincerity; we do not allow a woman to teach, nor rule over a man, but let her live quietly.”

“It is to oppress a woman,” he hears, “but the mystery is another to him who understands the saying correctly and understands it; the wife has no authority in her own body; the husband has authority over her own body; the husband has no authority in his own body; the husband has authority over his wife, and husbands must love their wives as their own bodies.” It is completely wrong to think that an apostle who wrote “There is no woman, there is no man, but you are all one in Jesus Christ” that he would write the article on female slavery.

If a man were to interpret the raw words of the Bible as if he were subverting them, Saint Paul would have said, “Let the husband love his wife as himself, and as Christ gave himself up for the church, so should the husband give himself up to his wife?”  Since there is no greater obedience than the betrayal of life, it would be easier for a man to say that a man became a woman’s submissive, than to say that a woman became obedient to a man. But the mystery of “Let the wife obey her husband” and “Let the husband love his wife until he lays down his life” emphasizes the perfection of love. For if there is perfect love, there is nothing that cannot happen to one another. Thus, it is a commandment that teaches husband and wife to live their whole lives clinging to this unyielding glue of love, but not a system of family slavery.

In antiquity, that is, before the violation of the law, before paradise was fenced off, human life was a life of holiness.  But since Eve was a reason to eat the fig tree, which Adam was forbidden to eat, it is still set apart by a woman’s role in the spiritual sphere so that she does not become a reason error. (1 Timothy 2:10-10; Genesis 3:6! 2 Corinthians. 11:3)

Everyone agrees on the truth that male and female, i.e. “both opposite sexes are sources of blessing,” but this statement is not said to be the source of the blessing of both sexes, but the blessing that one receives independently of the other. The concept of a source of blessing cannot be interpreted as a grace given only to one party, the man or the woman, and the blessing is a common grace given to both opposite sexes. Thus, in terms of religion, there is never a situation in which gender equality refers to diversity. Another example can be seen in St. Paul’s words, “Children! Obey your parents in the name of the Lord, which is good; honor your father and mother that it may go well with you, and that your days may be long on the earth; and this is the first commandment with promises. And you, parents, do not provoke your children to anger, nor grieve them, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of God.” (Aphicolpyse.6:1-6; Colossians.3:20-21)

Therefore, there can never be a healthy change that can be achieved by looking at one in isolation from the other, even in the physical world. The effect of individual observation will always be to turn the alleged influence on one sex to the other sex; In other words, it will be to gain one and lose the other; a permanent and preferable solution to the problem of gender inequality will centered on the two sexes only when a religious, fair and balanced system of opinion can be maintained in the community.

Praise be to God!