The Seven Sacraments

Dear Children of God! how are you? How are you spending the winter season? As you know, this is the occasion that is cold, wet and snowy. Therefore, it is better to use your break time for reading of Holy Scriptures, studying your school lessons at home and local churches, whilst helping your family on house chorus. Ok? good!

Children, may we remind you that we have been learning about “The Mysteries of Church” for the last consecutives weeks. Hope you understood our lessons and put them into practice because in Christian life, the main purpose is the act of good deed by keeping the law of God and church’s order. Well! And now we will proceed to our lesson of “The Seven Sacraments.”

Our Sense Organs in Christianity

Humans express feelings through the sense organs when in various situations. Happiness, anger, fear, pain, love and alike are our feelings. We express these feelings by the eyes, hands, legs, mouth, face and physical emotion.

The Life of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul

The marvelous witness, miraculous work and deed, is the signification of the disciples afore they departure later an astonishing fight and struggle for the Love of the Lord. The apostles were the closest one to talk, walk, share food and whose feet are even washed by His Holy Hands.

We celebrate the feast of our fathers the pure Apostles on the day of the commemoration of the Martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul which is 5th day of the Hamele, Ethiopian calendar. Then, it is so vital to commemorate their hagiography.

Mystery of The Resurrection of the Dead

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is this season of fasting of the apostles? Hope you have hold on strong through it, praying, fasting and obeying God’s command. This fast known as “The Fast of the Apostles” is amongst the seven chronical fast. After receiving the grace of the Holy Spirt, Saint Apostles began their service in prayer and fasting. Making their fast exemplary, after the “Feast of Pentecost”, we fast until Hamele four. Then the feasts fall on Hamele Five, which is also the Feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s departure day.

Good children! Do you remember our last lesson? We hope so! May we remind you it was about “Mystery of of Eucharist.” And for today, we will teach you about “Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead.”

“We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29)

The very first thing that our Lord, God seeks from His every creature, is obedience. In particular to humans, obedience is the way of showing love to our creator; abiding by His law and commandment, living by keeping the order of Church, we play the role of God’s children.

“Then they will fast” (Matthew 9:15)

The Love of the Lord unconditional and bestowed dearly to them, it kept them yarning and fretful after His death, unable to believe His rise until their eyes witnessed His appearance, hands touched His pierced body and yet again ate with Him.

The Lord’s promise was what made their strength and brought grace upon them. “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were gifted of the Holy Spirit that empowered them spiritual grace and endowing them seventy-one surplus languages. For this, they exited to fulfill the Lord’s order, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

This tremendous work of God was not to be done without payer and fast. The Lord has previously said, “When the bridegroom will be taken away from them, … then they will fast.” (Matthew 9:15) For this truth, the apostles embraced by the Holy Spirit and the Love of Christ, fasted on the Month of Sene.

Mystery of Eucharist

Dear Children of God! How are you? How are you spending this season of Fifty Days of Feast? And How was the holiday of The Ascension of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Hope you have spent it with your family in accordance to the Church Liturgy.

Children! On the tenth day of our Lord’s ascension and the fifth day of His resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. Then, the apostles were sent out to preach the word of God (Gospel), baptize gentiles (unbelievers) and cast out demons from humans. Subsequent to their teaching and work of the Lord, we celebrate “The Ascension of the Lord on the fortieth day,” “Feast of Pentecost” on the fiftieth day and fast “The Apostles Fast” starting the following day of the feast on the “Month of Sene” until the Feast of Departure of the Two Pillars of  Church, Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul on “Hamele 5.”

Dear Children of God! our Lord and Savior not only taught us about fasting and the Church Liturgy through the disciples, but also about the “Mystery of Eucharist.”

He ascended to the heavens in Glory and Praise!

“By taking a body like ours and sitting it next to the God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ has truly reconciled humanity to God. Now this is crucial for us to understand. All that the Lord has done; He has done so that we may be able to also do! He has risen and conquered death so that we may do the same. But this was not all! He could not end there at resurrection alone! He has also ascended into the heavens so that you and I may also be able to do the same, that we may also have a place there with the Father. And this is what he said he would do when telling His disciples in John chapter 14 that He “goes and prepares a place for us”.

Mystery Baptism

Dear Children of God! how are you? How are you celebrating this season of feast of “Beale Hamesa?” We hope you have not become forgetful to keep the liturgy of praying and attending the Church, just because it is said that there is no fasting, prostration (bowing) and attending funeral (the burial ceremony of a dead person).

What about your school? How are you doing in your education? Are you studying well and passing your exams? You must also remember to focus on your spiritual life. Hope you have become brave students at school, and a good child for your parents and God!

Well! Let us proceed to our today’s lesson which is a continual of our last section about baptism. We have previously seen the definition of the word ‘baptism’, the liturgy of it and the reason for our baptism. And for today, we will see its second part that focuses on Children’s Baptism on their 40th and 80th days.

“Let the Little Children Come to Me, and do not forbid them” (Luke 18:16)

The precious gifts of God are children. They are as pure and white as dove can be. They have no harm and evil inside them. Their mind and hearts have no evil but good. They are filled with decent and pure thoughts. They are innocent but have not guilt; are kind and devoid of cruelty.   

The Holy Bible has stated children as those who inherit the Kingdom of God. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said to the disciples, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17)