Entries by Hiwot M

Annual Feast of Archangel Saint Michael

The mighty Saint Michael as Saint Peter said in his Epistle, “Who is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God; Angels and authorities and powers being made subject to him” was throne as an Archangel upon all the angels after defeating Enemy Satan.

Pray for Peace!

Peace does not come from us but from God; prayer and worship are the only ways to reach into that peace; but, those against it and prayers, perpetrate hate, division and violence.

Qusquam: Feast of the Holy Family

Qusquam in Arabic is the name of mountain in Upper Egypt on which the monastery and Holy Church of Al- Muharraka are still standing. The Monastery marks where the Holy Family is said to have dwelt during their exile in Egypt. The Homily of Theophilus compares the Holy Mountain in Egypt with the Holy mountain of Zion and Refers to Mary as “Mary of Zion.”

Spiritual Food

Lord Jesus Christ taught about food and drink in the John Gospel during the apostasy era. When HE went to the city of Sychar in Samaria and arrived at Jacob’s well, Lord Jesus met a Samaritan woman and asked her, “Give me a drink”. Later, towards the end of the passage we hear, In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?” …


The true destiny of mankind Adam was to be tested in the garden by setting a limitation, by not eating of one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the condition reserved for God himself…


Humans within life struggle and in the march of events stuck beneath enemy scam and attack. Vitally, their careful attention is the way of salvation. “Perspicacity, being the healthy and unerring assessment of concepts and things enables people to arbitrator properly in terms of time, manner, place, and occasion and always in terms of edification. It consents to identify imminent developments before they occur and thus to avoid the harm they might cause.”


The desire in our heart urging for the possessions from our thoughts is what leads to our spiritual triumph or failure. Humans have the nature within, yarning to consume. Good desires leads to spiritual consumption while the bad one tempts and pressures in to devious thoughts and deeds.

“Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36)

It is certain all of us have experienced the pain and despair of illness to some degree. Even with a simple common cold, we wish we could be immediately healed of our aches and congestion. Sickness is not the only thing we wished to be delivered from. Hardships and difficulties, whether financial or relational, are hardly ever welcome in our lives…