Abune Zena Markos
The Ethiopian righteous Saint, our Father Abune Zena Markos was born after the good news by the Apostle Saint Mark, first to his mother righteous Mariam and then to his father John. He was conceived on Yekatit 24 and born on Hidar 24.
On his birthday, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Raphael clothed him luminous clothes guarding by their wings. Then after, they took him from Mariam’s arm for the blessing by the Apostle Saint Mark tomb in Egypt.
At the age of three, Abune Zena Markos stood on his feet and prostrated to The Holy Trinity three times. (Mar Isaac 9:23) Whilst being on his mother’s arm, he started fasting. When he was one years old, he went to the church crawling alone. The Angel of God at this time took him to the heavens by his wings where he was blessed by spiritual blessing.
He learned the Books of Old Testament and New Testament at the age of five. He was ordained as a deacon by the hands of Abba Gearlosome. In young age, Zena Markos was made to wed a woman called Mariam Kebera. But on the night of the wedding, remembering the words in the Gospel of Matthew (10:37), “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me,” he told Marima Kibera about his denial of this world’s leisure and the love of life of monasticism. So, she wished alike Zena Markos which they both fled to monastery by the leader of God’s angel on that night.
Mariam Kibera lived in diligence and good fight until her death at the age of seventeen. Miraculously, it was two lions who buried her. As for our Father Abune Zena Markos, he flew upon the clouds to Alexandria and be ordained as a Priest by the hands of Abba Biniamin. Later on, he remained with his parents returning to them. The day of their departure is as same day as Abune Tekle Haimanot. They were also buried on the same day. Onwards, Abune Zena Markos left his parents’ house and went to a country called “Wegida” by the order of God’s angel.
Our father has taught thousands of idol worshipers and made them Christians by the baptism in “The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.” Then, our patron Father Abune Tekele Haimanot clothed him angel’s clothing’s.
Abune Zena Markos has repeatedly gone to Jerusalem and be blessed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s grave in Golgotha. He has also taken river Jordan’s water and sand and mixed it with the sand and water of “Debre Bisrat.” The Angel of God Archangel Saint Raphael then blessed him.
In that parish, he lived standing for seven years without sitting or sleeping. He was here endowed vow and the Icon of Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary for the preservation of harm to those who plead in her name, by our Lord Jesus Chris.
At the reign of Geragn Mohammed, Our Father Abune Zena Markos’s Monastery has not been burn by the enemy’s evil plan of destroying Churches, Monasteries, Icons, Holy Scriptures and as such for it was protected by his prayer.
Abune Zena Markos has also been bestowed a covenant where our country to be as Jerusalem and the water he mixed as Jordan’s river water, where those who are baptized in it are to be cured, healed and receive soul salvation. He was also given a covenant of commemoration of his day, the construction of Church by his name, the writing of his hagiography and the giving of present to the Church, to be saved up to 12 generations by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our righteous father has made the devil to carry the wood to the service of church in his entire life. He has performed many more miraculous where he raised the dead and made a horse to witness for God in his own mouth.
While he was on the road, our Lord Jesus Christ came to him and told him the time of his departure has come, reminding about the covenant He gave him. The Saints has heard about this covenant in their own ears.
After this, he returned to Monastery in Debre Bisrta where he stayed in prayer and fasting without any rest. This time, Our Lord Jesus Christ came to him with the Saints and vowed great covenant. Abune Zena Markos then begged the Lord not to kill one who loves him without penance but to wait until repenting. Lord willed and accepted the pleading.
Our Father Abune Zena Markos afterwards gathered his disciples and told about the covenant The Lord gave him. By his prayer, he made the sun to stand still. And on Tahesas two, he washed the disciples’ feet and told them about his departure time. He then advised them to foremost live by love of neighbor and do good to inherit heavenly kingdom. He advised them much more and raised his face to the Lord saying “Safeguard these children you gave me from evil deed by your mercy.” On Tahesas three, he died.
May our righteous Father Saint Abune Markos’s intercession be with us; Amen!