Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus
October 13, 2022
Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was an Egyptian Christian saint, and the founder of the monastery of Zuqualla. The fifth day of every month in the Ethiopian calendar is dedicated to this saint. The reason for his commemoration on the 5th date of every Ethiopian month is: • His The entry of the saint from Egypt to Ethiopia;
• The day on which he went out from the lake where he received the covenant from God;
• The day on which he raised the dead lions;
• The first mass of his church built in his name
Life in Egypt
Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus lived 562 years, 300 of them in Egypt. He was born in Nehisa, Egypt to noble parents, named Simon and Eklesia. according to legend, came from the tribe of Benjamin of ancient Israel. Eklesia and Simon are said to have been barren for 30 years. The day of Gebre’s conception and the date of his birth are said to coincide with those of Jesus Christ.
Forty days after his birth, the baptism of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was celebrated with a banquet attended by the Roman emperor. He developed traits common to all prodigious children. By the age of two, tradition reports that he was already wise. When he was three years old, God sent his Archangel Gabriel to the child, to take him into the desert and put him into the custody of the monk Zamada Berhan, leaving his parents and nurse in despair. There he was ordained priest and became an abbot.
For a time Gebre remained in the desert performing miracles, while people from remote countries visited him. Then a second time God sent Gabriel to take Gebre deeper into the desert, and to have him live amongst 60 lions and 60 leopards. While there, Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus developed thick white hair covering all his body like a coat. He was able to appease the wild beasts, and in this respect resembled the figure of Daniel from the Old Testaments, as he was able to talk to the animals.
In Ethiopian iconography, Qeddus is commonly depicted in full view standing upright, covered by his hair from top to toe, while lions and leopards rest at his feet.
Journeys to the Holy Land
Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus set out for a journey into the Holy Land. He visited all the holy places, including Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth and the river Jordan. God incited him to go to Gabaon, where the devil assaulted him with wild beasts. Attacked by a serpent, Gebre won the battle, and the serpent was petrified by him. Gebre Menfes Qidus begged the Lord to make him invisible, so as to prevent humans and supernatural beings alike from recognizing him and putting him to the test.
Life in Ethiopia
When Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was 300 years of age, the Lord ordered him to go to Ethiopia to preach to the people there. He travelled there on a winged chariot, accompanied by his leopards and lions. In Ethiopia he founded the monastery of Zuqualla, in an extinct volcano, which is in the southern part of the former province of Shewa (now in Ada’a Chukala woreda).
Some texts say that, before establishing his monastery, Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was tempted by demons and devils for a period of hundred years, after which time the Lord exempted the Ethiopians from sin. Gebre left Zuqualla to wander to Kabd in order to stare at the heavens for seven months without blinking. The devil, in the shape of a raven, came to pick out his eyes. But Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was cured by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, who brought him back to Zuqualla. He lived in mount Ziquala for 265 years with no clothing and drinking no water and eating no food, exceeding many prophets and saints, and unlike a man upon earth, but likened to the angels. On Tikemet 5 [October 15] he received a great covenant from God.
Some manuscripts recount a visit to heaven, where Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus was kissed by the Holy Trinity. While he was still on his way back from heaven, three other saints arrived in Kabd to visit him — Samuel of Waldebba, Anbas of Hazalo, and Benyam of lower Begemder who were all accompanied by lions. As soon as the lions and leopards of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus noticed their fellow creatures, though, they devoured them. Nothing was left of them when he eventually arrived on the scene. When Gebre ordered his animals to spit out the remains of their meal, the pets of the saints reappeared sound and healthy.
Three times a year Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus returned to the Holy Land to receive Holy Communion: on Christmas Day, on the day of Jesus’ baptism, and on Good Friday. There he spoke Hebrew but also all the languages of the world, a characteristic associated with the story of the tower of Babel. He died on a Sunday, on the 5th of Maggabit. He was lying on the floor with his arms outspread, in the position of Jesus on the cross.
May the intercession of Saint Abune Gebere Menfes Qidus be with us, Amen!