Feast of Covenant of Mercy

Happy Feast Day!

Blessed is the day on which Saint Virgin Mary, Pure, Most Holy, Blessed, abode of Deity, Mother of God, Praised above all creation, Mother of Mercy, Mother of many, Our Lady, received the covenant of mercy from her Beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that she be the Salvation of all creation.

On Yekatit 16, He vowed to her in saving those who feed and water the needy and poor. (Ethiopian Synaxarium 364-365). Our Lord gave the Apostle Saint John, Virgin Mary as his Mother, on the day of His crucifixion, on Calvary for the redemption of Adam. (John 19:26)

Onwards the Lord’s death, our Lady Virgin Mary did not seize to go to her Sons grave and sob. Then the Angles took her to the heaven where she was praised by souls of righteous; Saint Ephraim mentioned about the generation which does not pass on, to praise her. (Commentary on the Praise of Mary)

After watching the habitant of sinners and realizing their anguish in hell, she prayed to her Son on Yekatit 16. Then hearing her prayer, the Lord came with countless Angels, vowed to her in saving the soul of those who give even cup of water by her name and even swear by His Name confirming this promise will not change.  (Read the whole story on The Book of Ethiopian Synaxarium, Yekatit 16).

May our Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary’s prayer, intercession and mediation be with us; Amen!